Your Worth The Stars

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It's been two months since I got out of the hospital and my life is probably as good as it's ever going to get. Millie has almost completely quit going to parties and I've become way more confident.

"Emmy what are we going to do tonight? Movies?" Millie asks in excitement as we walk into her room.

"I don't kn-" I stop mid sentence when I see a big box with my name on it.

Millie has an impossibly huge grin on her face and I can't help but laugh.

"Gee! I wonder who that's from!?" Millie says in a sarcastic manner.

"Shut up." I laugh and untie the ribbons that hold the lid on the box.

Once I lift the lid and uncover the boxes contents with tissue. My heart starts to beat faster and excitement overtakes my body. Laying in the box was a beautiful floor length gown. The gown was a light champagne color with dazzling embellishments all over that glittered and sparkle in the light. I pick up the gown in complete awe of it's beauty.

"Oh my God!" Millie gasps.

I am unable to even find words to describe how I'm feeling, so I just turn to her with my mouth open. I pull the gown completely out of the box and walk over to the full length mirror. As I hold up the gown to my body imagining how I'll look wearing the gorgeous gown.

"There's a note." Millie announces as she digs into the empty box.

I turn to her, still a bit stunned.

Millie reads the note and looks up at me with a smile on her face. "I really need to talk to you about your karma."

"What does it say?"

Millie clears her throat. "A dress that sparkles like the stars should be worn by a women worthy of they're beauty. Wear this tonight and meet me at 7 tonight in the park by the river. Love Kiah." Millie smiles.

I smile and my heart is so full that it could burst.

Once I finally finish applying my false eyelashes and my hair is perfectly curled. I slip on the dazzling gown and put on some heels. The gown hugged my soft curves and complemented of skin tone and hair color perfectly.

"That is one sexy dress!" Millie says behind me.

I turn to her and smile.

"Millie, is this a good idea?" I ask nervous.

Millie rolls her eyes but offers me a smile. "Go meet your prince charming Cinderella."

I smile and leave to head to the park by the river. The stars had just started to dot the sky. As I make my way through the abandoned park I end up having to take off my heels because the grass is soft and uneven, making it difficult to walk.

"Emmy." Kiahs voice comes behind me.

I turn to see him standing there in a tuxedo.

"Kiah!" I run to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, dropping my shoes in the process.

Kiah wraps his arms around my wait and lifts me up as our lips meet. I draw my feet up behind me and hold on tight to Kiah as he spins me around while we kiss. As our kiss comes to an end he slowly stops spinning me and my feet hit the soft grassy ground.

"Kiah." I smile with my arms still wrapped around him.

"Emmy." He returns my smile and kisses my forehead.

I lean into it and press my head against him. Kiah pulls me at arms length and looks me over, his hazel eyes gleaming.

"You look absolutely gorgeous baby." He says.

I feel myself blush and give him a shy smile. "Thank you."

My heart skips a beat as he pulls me close to him again.

"So Romeo, what are we doing here in an abandoned park all dressed up?" I ask as we walk towards the water with our hands intertwined.

Kiah smiles mischievously and walks over to a big bush. I try to pear around him to see what he's doing but it's too dark and I'm too short. Kiah pulls out a big basket and sits it down, then he pulls out a big blanket and lays it down on the ground beside the edge of the river and turns to me.

I look at him and then to the basket. "You got anything else hiding in that bush?"

He laughs which makes me laugh.

"Come here." Kiah says.

I smile and walk over to Kiah. He pulls me down to him on the blanket and kisses my cheek.

"Do you remember our date?" Kiah asks holding my hand.

I nod.

"I told you that when we get out, that I would take you on the most romantic date of your life."

I smile and nod.

"This is it." He smiles.

Kiah pulls out the contents of the basket and lays them on the blanket; two glasses, two plates, a bottle opener, two grilled cheese sandwiches, and a bottle of champagne.

"Kiah, you know I can't legally drink, right?"

Kiah winks and smiles. "I won't tell."

I giggle.

As we eat and drink and laugh at everything. The atmosphere around us is so light and airy that I feel I'm becoming intoxicated with the feeling that Kiah gives me rather than the actual alcohol. By now the stars are out and the sparkle in the deep dark blue endless night sky like dimands. Thousands and thousands of little dimands twinkling above us. The beauty of the night sky reflects off the water and casts a light glow around us.

"Emma." Kiahs voice is suddenly serious.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

Kiah brings his lips to mine and wraps his arms around me tight. My fingers intertwine in his soft black hair and his hands run up my back.

"Emmy? Will you dance with me?" He asks pulling away from our kiss.

I smile and nod. Kiah pulls me up and holds my waist with one hand and my hand in the other. I wrap my arm around his shoulders and lay my head against his chest. In this moment. I don't think about anything. I only feel. Feel the soft grass below my bare feet. The soft summer breeze that softly blew my hair. Kiahs hands on my skin and the sound of his heartbeat. The way we slowly danced together beneath the moons pale glow.

The End.

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