Guitar Cry: Chapter (24)

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"Are you done yet?"

I let out a sigh of annoyance as I slightly pulled back the shower curtain. "My answer is the one I've given you the other ten times." I bitterly replied. Every few minutes, I would be interrupted from my shower with a knock on the door.

"But you've been in there for forty minutes!" Cody whined, pounding lightly on the door.

I dipped my head backward and smiled at the feel of tranquility as the warm water came into contact with my skin. "That's how long it takes you to do your hair." I half-yelled over the noise of the water.

After I finished conditioning my hair, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body.

"Are you done now?" I heard Cody moan through the other side of the door.

I smirked to myself as I stood in front of the door with my arms crossed. "Nope," I lied, popping the 'P'.

"I'll give you up to five seconds before I open this door," Cody warned. "One. . ."

I glanced at the shaking doorknob. The door itself was stably built, so I doubt he's going to be making his way inside anytime soon. I leaned against the sink, an amused smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Two. . . Three. . . Four. . . Four and a half. . . Four and three quarters. . . Five."

I raised my eyebrow with interest as the doorknob shook momentarily. There was a silent pause before the door flew open. I let out a gasp in surprise as I looked for the quickest thing to cover me.

Except there was nothing. So here I was, naked under my towel in front of Cody, while staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. I glanced at the doorknob, and saw a bobby pin attached to it. I was expecting he used something greater to open the door, but a bobby pin, really? And to make things worst - it was my bobby pin!

I bit my lower lip as I watched Cody's wandering eyes. I didn't have control of the blood rushing to my cheeks when I realized his eyes were trailing across my body.  I scratched the back of my neck ungracefully as I let out a dry cough.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I finally asked, interrupting the awkward silence.

Cody's eyes widened as he realized what he was doing. He blinked several times before looking up to meet my eyes. I could see the same amount of embarrassment in his. "Staring at you like what?"

"Like you're going to eat me." I mumbled out a response. "Now I understand how Bella Swan feels." I kept the same dumbfounded appearance plastered on my face. No wonder Kristen Stewart only kept one facial expression throughout the whole entire movie. (A/N: Team Edward all day, guise!)

A playful smile appeared on Cody's face. "And now I understand why Edward makes those ugly facial expressions when he's trying to resist Bella." He wasn't embarrassed anymore. No, he seemed a lot more confident with his response.

I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "And what are you trying to resist, Cody?" I asked, taking a step closer toward him. I didn't realize how flirty what I just said sounded, so I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized it.

But this didn't stop Cody from taking full steps at approaching me. My breath caught in my throat when one of his arms cupped my waist. "From tearing that towel off of you and --"

"Cody," I scolded him in a warning tone.

The teasing expression he wore on his face instantly ceased. "And kissing you passionately." Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine in a syrupy way. I smiled into the kiss as my hands webbed around his hair. He's just so cute sometimes.

Scratch that, all the time.

I don't know what I did to deserve ending up with Cody as my boyfriend. There are millions of girls out there, and out of them all, he chose me.

(A/N: LOL, no he didn't, that's why that goddess is still single <3 Sorry. . . Back to being serious.)

If someone would have told me a year ago that I would've ended up with him, I would have laughed in their face. There's no way that someone as caring, amazing, handsome, loving-- okay, I'm rambling now. Overall, it's just crazy but true.

I must have been too caught up in my thoughts, because I didn't realize Cody's fingertips playing with my towel. I slightly pulled away from the kiss, but just enough so that our noses were still touching.

"What are you doing?" I asked, giving him a knowing grin.

He gave me a sly smile as he replied, "my other option was still tearing the towel off of you and kissing you passionately before --"

- - -

I skipped down the stairs happily with Cody's fingers intertwined in mine. Alli was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with an exasperated look on her face.

As soon as she spotted us, her eyes lit up. Then they squinted again in annoyance. "What took you two so long?"

Cody's head turned slightly toward me. I retuned the mischievous grin on his face with my own. "I sort of got caught up in my shower," I replied thoughtfully.

Alli's eyes widened. "Oh, good grief, no -- don't tell me you two got it on in the shower!" She shrieked. "We all have to share that."

When will this girl ever learn? I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "Don't worry, Alli." I assured her. "We didn't 'get it on' in the shower."

"Oh, no -- not in the bedrooms! My bed is the only place I think happy thoughts, and picturing you and Cody doing the dirty, definitely brings me out of that whole mood." She frowned.

Cody rolled his eyes at her. "Alli, we've never done the dirty." His head snapped toward mine as he glared at me with accusing eyes. "But, only because she doesn't want to." He playfully said. "We would have been doing the dirty everywhere. In the bathroom, bedrooms, floors, Chuck E. Cheese--"

He was cut off shortly with a piercing scream. "Not Chuck E. Cheese!" Tom cried, standing up from his position and running into the kitchen. Since when did he get here?

"Nice going, genius." Alli rolled her eyes. "Chuck E. Cheese is the only place where a kid can be a kid, and you've ruined whatever innocence he has left. You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" Even I could see that she was trying to hide a smile.

This was coming from the girl who purposely awoke Tom in the middle of the night when he lost his fourth tooth, 'ironically' around the time when his mother was slipping a dollar bill under his pillow. (A/N: For those of you who aren't familiar with the 'Tooth Fairy' it's basically a pedophile who comes into kids room during the night to take their tooth that had fallen out, in exchange for money.)

Angie walked into the room with a tired expression on her face. "Good morning Santana and Cody," she greeted us, smiling warmly at us.

We returned the kind smile.

"Can anyone explain to me why Tom is crying?" She asked, turning sideways to shoot Alli a disapproving look.

Alli brought her hands up in defense. "I find that extremely offensive," she said. "And, I didn't do anytime." Angie didn't blink. ". . . This time," Alli sighed.

Tom looked up from Angie's leg at Cody and I. Half of his face was buried into his mothers leg while the other half was staring accusingly at us. "Cody told me him and Santana were going to do dirty things to Chuck. E!" He wailed.

Cody and I rushed toward Tom. In an instant, we were crouched down trying to sooth him and stop him from crying. "It's alright, Tom," I assured him, ruffling with his hair. "Cody didn't mean that."

"Yeah," Cody added, "what I meant was that Santana and I were going to dirty things AT Chuck E. Cheese."

That stopped Tom from crying, but that didn't stop Angie's disapproving look.

Cody looked up to meet his mother's eyes. "What I meant, heh," he choked out. "What I mean is -- erm, we're going to get dirty in Chuck E. Cheese. Playing all of those games calls for a lot of deodorant, if you know what I mean," he mustered out.

Angie nodded, believing him. "You see, Tom? Nothing to worry about."

Tom smiled widely, giving us a good view of his missing front tooth. "Well in that case, can I get dirty with you guys too?!"
- - -

Lol, awe (: Children's innocence is so cute! Don't you wish you could be a kid again? When the worst you had to worry about was someone stealing all of your crayons? When someone telling someone else who your crush was, was the worst they could do to you? *sigh* I do!

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this (: Guitar Cry is sadly coming to an end soon. But I promise you, you will love my new story! Or at least I hope you do. And if you don't, just lie and say you do ;D LOL, J/K!

Comment for a chance to have the next chappie dedicated to you! And while you're at it, psh, you might as well vote, right? Psh xD

Thank you guys! I love y'all!
Stay Beautiful xoxo

Guitar Cry: A Cody Simpson Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz