Guitar Cry: Chapter (8)

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Here I was, sitting in an over crowded car with five other people.

There was Mrs. Simpson who wouldn't stop going on and on about nature.

There was Mr. Simpson who kept humming along to Cody's C.D's which were playing in the background.

There was Tom who didn't utter a single word other than a pick-up line he thought was cool.

There was Alli whose nose was stuck up her iPhone to notice what was going on in the environment around us.

It was pure madness. And I loved every minute of it.

Cody was the only exception. When he wasn't singing or sleeping, he was making rude comments and annoying me.

"How many more minutes until we're there?" Cody asked, making himself comfortable in his seat.

Mrs. Simpson kept her eyes focused on the scenery at all times. "We have about one more hour left to go." She replied.

"Thank goodness." Cody let out a breath.

"I don't think Cody heard your lecture earlier about cactuses and their importance for our environment. I'm sure he's just dying to hear it again." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Aren't you, Cody?"

Cody opened his eyes to say something when his mother cut him off.

"I don't mind telling the story again," Mrs. Simpson chirped, "it's about as long as the rest of our car ride."

I smiled to myself. The next hour should be interesting.

(45 minutes later.)

"I'm sorry to interrupt your lecture, but I think I understand the jest of it." Cody stated.

Mrs. Simpson had an amused smile on her face. "What interested you the most?"

"I, uh," It didn't take a brainiac to know that Cody wasn't paying attention at all, "I like that it's part of mother nature." He sheepishly replied.

Mrs. Simpson nodded in agreement. "What do you find so appealing about it?"

"The idea of mother nature interests me. It helps me to understand why people are so aggravating at times," Cody stated, pointedly narrowing his eyes in my direction, "like when mother nature leaves them their monthly gift."

He did not just go there!

In my defense, I get my period later this month, thank you very much.
- - -

"Why aren't you happy dancing?" Alli asked, flopping down onto the bed.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "You kind of have to be happy in order to do that," I pointed out.

"And that is exactly what you should be," Alli pointed out, "happy."

"It's easier said than done." I sighed, falling backward onto the bed.

Alli rested her feet on my stomach. "We're going to be staying at this Beach House for one entire week. This week is going to include swimming, surfing, sports, having campfires and a bunch of other activities. A lot of things are gonna happen. Say, maybe you and Cody making up."

I took a moment to think about it. All of those things did sound exciting. And since it was only the six of us on a private beach, it meant I would have more time with Cody. In that time, we could hopefully make up. Then I would be happy for real.

Until then, my fake smile would just have to cover it up. "You know what, you're right." I agreed, pushing her feet off of my stomach and onto the floor.

Guitar Cry: A Cody Simpson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now