Tea and small talk.

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July 3rd
A late rainy night, Lauren's sat alone by the window, sipping warm tea and watching the rain fall, his laptop sitting in front of him, the warmth from the cup made his rather cold hands feel nice. He sat what they called Indian style in his black leggings, which he found more comfortable than shorts, and his white shirt with a turtle on it. Nothing could be heard but the silence for a moment until his phone vibrated. He leaned forward from his computer chair one leg unfolding from the sitting position, and planting firmly on the ground. It was Alexander. He picked his phone up, opening it, and sitting his tea on the surface of the table. He clicked the notification as it took a mere few seconds to pull up. Johns eyes followed over the words which read;
"John are you at home? Eliza took phillip out to watch the fireworks, and I need opinions on this paper I'm writing."
John bit at his bottom lip before replying,
"I am, You can come over, or send the papers over through email."
A few moments passed before Alexander replied.
"It couldn't hurt to have a bit of company, I'll be over soon."
With that their conversation ended. Laurens stepped out of his chair, and glanced around his living space. It wasn't to messy but it could be better. Laurens started straightening up, putting things away, straightening things on his desk, and fluffing the pillows on the couch before a knock on the door could be heard. Laurens took a deep breath in, and opened the door with a smile.
"Hey, Alex."
He greeted, letting the other male in. Alex had on a White button up, which was tucked into his blue jeans, with his black laptop bag slung over his shoulder. Once Alex stepped in, he sat his laptop bag on the couch.
"Do you want some tea?"

John asked headed for the small kitchen,


Alexander replied, taking out his laptop and starting it up. Without another word John put more tea bags into a pot of water, and heated the water until a boiling point, then he put it in a cup and added 2 ice cubes to cool it down. He took it in the living space and sat it by Alexander, and sitting beside the male leaning in to look at the words on his computer.

"What did you need my opinion on?"

John questioned, raising an eyebrow
"The paper, is it good?"
Alexander retorted, while John gave him a look,
"Are you serious? You're always so confident about your writing, what's changed?"
John teased, sitting up, and pulling Alexander's laptop onto his lap. Alexander didn't reply, so Lauren's took it upon himself to read what looked like 7 paragraphs.  

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