Prologue (Final Draft! Updated Jan 2023!)

Start from the beginning

Dennis and Marcie gasped nearby her.

"Sector B... Zilly, we can't be cruel enough to do that- they'd tear her apart... alive," Marcie whispered.

"It doesn't seem like it would be a problem to me; she'd fit right in," Zilly replied.

"Honestly, Zilly..."

The three of them walked out of Zilly and Marcie's small home. It was made of sticks and paper; fastened with mud, stones, and straw; and was large enough to fit a couple of visitors. It may have seemed like a low-class residence this way, but to Zilly and Marcie, it was their home and an excellent achievement for all cat-kind.

As the three approached the town, they could hear a loud yelling over a megaphone.

"...we shall no longer suffer this way!"

"Oh, no... Uranus, not again..." Zilly groaned, slapping her paw against her face.

"Has she been let into the catnip field again?" Marcie muttered behind her.

"Ugh, I hope not... The only ones allowed there are the ones with the medical keys..."

"Calm down, Uranus! And get off that podium!" Zilly and Marcie could see Doc yelling at the pale blue cat. A white and rainbow-colored dog nodded in approval as she shook her head slowly.

"Why? Is this your precious podium, Doc?!" She demanded in her unusual voice. Her voice sounded slightly robotic, which made her sound different from the rest of the Catyan population.

"Yes! It's mine too! And that was set up today for Ayame to come and perform-"

"Ugh... Ayame Kotogame. She's just a useless piece of garbage. Why do you like her songs anyway? We'll see who likes her now after I do this..."

Zilly, Marcie, and Dennis watched with horrified glances as Uranus grabbed a hammer and smashed the podium to pieces.

"Here! Take that!" She shouted.

Grayson's eyes widened in horror. His heart-shaped pupils broke in half. "M-my podium... I spent all night fixing it after the last incident..."

Doc growled under his breath. "Now you've gone too far, Uranus! The fish tank, radio station, and now our podium? You're insane!"

"Our podium? Try yours, and it should only be yours, Mr. President Doc. He's a dog. Dogs can't do anything right in this world of cats. Any other species can't make an impact on us."

Doc hissed. "Let me remind you that Grayson is your leader as well. Although Ayame's a hologram of a human being, she has given us worthwhile music and entertainment! Your pathetic speeches and protests can't top that by a long shot!"

Uranus growled. "Take that back, you little-"

"Stop!" Zilly hissed.

"M-mother... um... did... Dennis bother you again to come here?" Doc stammered nervously.

"Zilly! Thank the stars, you're here. I don't think I liked where that conversation was going!" A golden cat exclaimed, trembling as she spoke- Zilly's childhood friend.

Grayson looked up while holding the damaged wood from the podium.

"Aw, your mommy is here to save you?"

"Have you been sniffing catnip again, Uranus?" Dennis muttered.

"Kandice had let me into the catnip fields," Uranus giggled, fumbling with her speech as she dizzily gazed at the crowd while pointing at the golden cat.

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