Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I am sitting on my couch when Haymitch walks in with Peeta. I am shocked to see him (Peeta) it has been so long... "H-Hi Peeta. How are you?" "Hi Katniss, I've missed you." "I have to." "Alright well I will let you two catch up, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Haymitch winks at me as if to indicate if anything goes wrong to call him. We both nod at him. "So... How have you been Peeta?" I ask him. "Better. Listen I know we are both thinking about." "What are you talking about?" I ask a little bit too innocently. "Katniss don't pretend you and Haymitch aren't expecting me to go into another episode. I'm sorry I tried to attack you and I realize you are afraid and I don't blame you for it but please know I'm ok now." "Peeta I'm sorry. I know I haven't been supportive of you but I am scared you're right." "Don't worry Katniss I love you more then anything in this world. I will never leave your side no matter what." "Peeta, you always know what to say! I love you to the moon and back! I'm so glad you are back!" We both hug and kiss then we lay on the couch and we whatch TV together. I am so happy to have him here with me. Suddenly I see him hanging on to the back of the chair as if he is having a flashback he has bloodshot eyes and is completely pale. "PEETA!!!! What's wrong?" I yell. "Haymitch! Come quick!!" Haymitch runs into the living room. I walk towards him and whisper "Peeta it's Ok don't worry I'm here. Calm down." "It's safe here. Real or not real?" he replies. "Real" I say. He slowly returns to me and says that he is sorry and I tell him its ok and that it wasn't his fault. Peeta and I bake some bread together even though I'm not very good Peeta enjoys
it. We make cookies and cupcakes. The phone starts to ring so I go answer it. "Hello." I say. "Hi Katniss." I recognize that voice it sounds like...

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