Chapter 9

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I keep running but I feel so dizzy. I try to call for help but I'm too far away for anyone to see or hear me. I go under the fence into the woods. The person grabs my heel and pulls me back as she grabs me I try to make out who it is. I know I have seen that face before but where? Did I know her when I was in school? No the only people I ever was around was Madge and Gale. Maybe I had seen her but never talked to her around the Hob. No! I know who it is! Of course Vanessa Snow!! President Snow's daughter! "What do you want with me!" I scream. "To finish what my grandfather asked me to do." She whispered in my ear. I hit her in the face and kicked her in the shin as I ran back into town screaming but I could hear her coming after me although she was far away I knew I had to get help...

Life After MockingjayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora