Chapter 1

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Hiruzen Sarutobi was old...and much too tired for the burden his successor had placed on him. He sighed as he held the babies in his arms. One had blonde hair and blue eyes, the other had black hair and blue eyes. "Minato...why did you have to do this?"

He knew why, the nine tails had laid waste to the village only a few hours ago. Minato defeated by sealing the beast into Naruto... Naruto having a paternal twin was slightly unexpected to say the least, but not a real problem. No the problem lie in several complications in the boys' births.

Sarutobi laid the baby boys down in their crib once the council had been called. "I have gathered you here for a briefing on everything that's happened tonight." Hiruzen told the council members.

"This is a drag, Where's Minato?" Shikaku Nara asked, his hair was down and his right arm was covered in bandages, blood seeped slightly through near his forearm.
Hiruzen closed his eyes. "He has perished in the battle. He managed to seal the beast at the cost of his own life. He sealed the beast into Naruto, one of his twin sons... He wanted the boy to be viewed as a hero."
Shikaku nodded somberly. "And his wife? Kushina? My wife will be terribly upset if one of her best friends is also gone."

"She also, is gone. She died saving the boys from the Kyuubi's claw." He told him.
Fugaku Uchiha was speechless... Minato was his teammate and rival since they were children, know he'll never see his friend again shook him to the core. A few tears welled in his eyes but he refused to let them fall.
"The boy must be executed to get rid of the kyuubi before it escapes!" A woman yelled. She had bright green eyes and pink hair,

"Measure your words, civilian..." Shikaku told her lowly.

"She's correct, though. In order to permanently destroy the kyuubi we should kill the boy." Koharu, one of the advisers replied. Most of the civilian side agreed with this.

"Enough!" Hiruzen told them. "As my successor has died I am taking back the position of hokage. I hereby declare the twins heritage an SS-class secret and the fact that Naruto houses the kyuubi is an S-class secret, both punishable by death if revealed by anyone other than myself or the two boys. "

__________Years Later____________

Naruto and his older brother sat huddled in the corner of the Orphanage attic. Tears ran down Naruto's eyes and he was clinging to his older brother's waist in a death grip hug.

"A-Arashi...why are they so mean to us? Are we b-bad?" Naruto sobbed.

He had a very nasty looking bruise on his cheek where the cook had kicked him when they tried to steal some food, they hated the idea of thievery but no one here wanted to feed them. These people wanted to let them starve...

Unlike Naruto, Arashi was quick to anger and with his inhuman physical strength he tried his best to protect them both. Arashi hated the people in this village, but he also pondered where this much hatred and strength come from. They were twins, but were barely anything alike. Naruto had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a light tan completion with three thin whisker birthmarks on each cheek. He wore an awful looking orange jumpsuit with a green scarf and green boots.

Arashi, on the other hand, wore black pants, black boots with red bands, and a red muscle shirt. He never got cold so he rarely wore his black hooded jacket the right way, instead tying the sleeves around his waist. His hair was black and he had blue eyes. His tan was slightly darker than Naruto's and his pupils were slightly slitted, though no one noticed.

"I don't know Naruto, but I promise...I will do my best to protect you from now on." Arashi said lowly.

One of the women who run the orphanage walked into the room. She glared at Naruto and set two plates down on the floor, as she turned away she kicked the one closest to Naruto over.

Arashi grit his teeth. "That bitch..." He went to stand only for Naruto to grip his arm. Ready to beat the old woman to death.

"P-Please...big brother... Let her go. " tears welling in his eyes.

Arashi sighed, Naruto had the uncanny ability to calm his anger. "Fine...but don't eat off the floor, take half of mine."

It's be like that for another year before they were kicked out at age eight...

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