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The sound of loud screams and upbeat music fills the atmosphere. Although dusk is just starting to approach, the small fair is not yet lit up with its brilliant light show; a sight you can only imagine to be as overwhelming as the noises produced by the area.

Tyler leads you to the booth in which you can purchase wrist bands that will pay for all the rides and entry for the fair. You insist on paying for yourself, but the stubborn Tyler refuses and hands the impatient woman behind the plastic screen his money before you

"Tyler, you should let me pay once in a while.." you start, but he cuts you off.

"(Y/n), it's fine. It's customary that the guy pays and I honestly don't mind paying, especially for you."

The small smile plastered on his lips makes your heart skip a beat even though you've seen it nearly everyday for the past few months. The woman slides two wristbands through he opening at the bottom of the plastic pane and Tyler gladly offers to help you put yours on. He claps the plastic together, puts on his, and then lightly grabs your hand. Your fingers entwine and the warmth of his hands spreads through your veins, making you feel safe. Finally, you make your way through the gates and into the lively, but small town fair.

Upon entry, there are some booths full of entrepreneurs or paid workers who are there to promote their products. Along the isle of businesses, there are scattered areas reserved for sitting. People flood the dirt path and conversation fills the evening air.

The further you walk in, the more overpowering the smell of fried food becomes. The whole scene is very nostalgic to you. Reminding you of when we would venture here some summers as a family and spend the day walking and exploring what the small fair had to offer. It was kind of refreshing in a way.

Right away, a small, cheesy basketball game catches Tyler's attention.

You see his eyes light up at the sight of the game and you chuckle to your self. "You aren't actually thinking.." you trial off when Tyler turns to look at you.

"Why not?" He asks with a playful smile. He then pulls you by your hand and lightly drags you towards the game.

You approach the booth and a small, stocky man with dark hair is running the game. The objective is to simply make as many baskets as possible and your prize depends on how many baskets you can make.

Tyler gives the man a dollar which is 3 shots on the basket. The man, whose voice is raspy and cold, instructs Tyler on where to stand. Tyler stands and begins to position himself. He seems to be measuring all of his coordinates before he pushes the ball up and out of his hands.  The ball flies through the air and gracefully lands perfectly through the white netting on the hoop.

You laugh and clap for your boyfriend. He turns and goofily smiles at you, obviously proud of his accomplishment.

The stocky man hands Tyler his second ball and he easily makes the shot. You clap again, receiving another heartwarming smile from Tyler.

The man hands Tyler the last ball, but Tyler hesitates before making the shot. He looks from the ball to you and a smirk immediately grows on his lips.

"So, Ms. (your last name). Let's see if you actually suck at basketball or not."

You raise your eyebrows and let out a nervous laugh, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"If I recall, that one time we were at the arcade you sucked pretty bad" he laughs.

You roll your eyes and laugh. "Yeah, I know I'm bad. I'm still bad so please don't make me take the shot."

Tyler laughs, but throws the ball towards you anyway. "You're still taking the shot, (y/n)"

You groan, but make your way towards the shooting position. You try your best to aim, but your shot still misses the hoop and pathetically bounces off of the backboard.

You can see Tyler trying not to laugh, but he can't hold it in. You send him your best 'I'm mad at you' face, but that only makes him laugh harder.

You thank the man before returning to your boyfriend, still trying to act mad. He takes a breath and slips his hand back into yours. He leans down and pecks he top of your head, still wearing a humored smile on his lips.

"I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I just wanted to see if you improved at all between our 3rd date and our 30th." He apologizes.

You can't help but smile, you honestly can't stay 'mad' at him for long. You lightly squeeze his hand and smile, "maybe try again on our 300th."

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now