Unspoken Words I

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You slide your finger across the gentle finger pad of your laptop.

New file

You've never been good with just the finger pad and you accidentally click 'open.'

Normally, you would click out of it and try again to open 'new,' but something catches your eye at the bottom of the list.

"unspoken words" it reads.

You furrow my brow into the bright screen and scan your memory for a project for any of your classes.

Poetry? Something from philosophy?

You hesitantly roll my finger across the pad and open the file.

A small, unpunctuated paragraph is spreads across my screen in default text size and font. Slightly taken back, your hands start to tremble the slightest bit.

What is this?

You lean back and bit and breathe in. You begin to read.

"She's fallen asleep on my couch. her delicate face is at complete rest and she looks so blissful. i would be an awful human being to wake her up now, despite the worries she might have when she awakes. precious, honestly. the face of a sleeping angel. i do miss the look of her deep y/e/c eyes though and her bright smile that lights up every room she enters. she's absolutely beautiful and i don't know if she knows it. regardless, i'm too coward to tell her this to her face. an absolute angel as i've said, that's what she is. a true godsend. sometimes i try to see things like she does. she sees every detail and appreciates every little thing, it intimidates me most of the time. what if there's so much i'm not seeing? i think it may be a true gift, i find it hard to leave my own little world for the most part. unless i'm with her. quite frankly, she's my world and all that matters when i'm with her. therefore, i've tried taking in every detail. i've memorized just where y/h/c hair falls in and how her eyes react when she's feeling different emotions. every seemingly perfect tooth in her smile. the way she gets flustered is adorable and her smile is even more exhilarating. she's even pretty when she's crying. i can now confirm that she's just as beautiful when peacefully resting. she has no worries right now and that alone is beautiful. of course, all of these things i could never say to her directly. in fact, i think i'd suffocate from all of the nerves into the second sentence. sometimes though, going out of your comfort zone is necessary, even if it may not seem like the right thing for you.

truthfully, i hope you never see this, but i think it's quite inevitable. tyler. 9.23"


You examine his fingers are the effortlessly glide across the pure white keys. A beautiful rhythm erupts from the depths of the piano and echo throughout the room. There absolutely beauty and grace behind the piece and how it's being performed. The notes waltz through the air and work together as one. They lace the air and brighten the sprit of the room.

Tyler finishes with a small, playful flick of a higher note. You jokingly clap, but the smile on your face is genuine.

"I swear Tyler, everything you do is stunning. Just that song and how you played it. It was so beautiful- I could write a whole novel on it."

He chuckles and tried to hide his bright smile in the piano keys. Finally, he looks back up at you with his deep brown eyes and tests, "why don't you then?"

You squint your eyes the tiniest bit and bite your lower lip slightly. "Is that a challenge mr. Joseph?"

His grin now warms up your whole body, starting in your head and working it's way to every finger and toe. "Maybe" He pushes further. His voice has tones of playfulness and edginess.

You release your lower lip from my teeth and smile at him warmly, yet competitively, "I'll get back to you on that."

You make my way down the darkened street, only dim street lights are available to guide you down the familiar road. Normally, the dark night would frighten you. The silence and mystery that the dark contains, the known fact that anything or anyone could be hiding within the depths of the inky night. Tonight though, you're smiling and proudly walking, one could say you're overly eager.

Most weekends you spend with Tyler, but this Saturday you had to let him down for a huge essay due on Monday. Classes weren't exactly a piece of cake and you felt awful saying no to him.

Only a 10 minute walk and you're already standing in front of Tyler's house. You stare up, a few lights are on throughout the house and you recognize which rooms they are, one being Tyler's. You break myself from your stare and approach the black metal mailbox. You reach into your jacket pocket and pull out the smooth white envelope. You examine it for a moment before breaking your glance back to the mailbox.

You reach for the metal tab and pull the door to the mailbox open, quietly doing so. The metal is cold to the touch and you can feel small goosebumps raise on your arms. You hold the letter in my hand one more time, making sure you're ready.

You've been holding on to this letter for a few months now, waiting for the right time. You kept telling myself that, but you know it's because you've been too scared to give it to him.

I'm scared.

But he must've been scared too. Scared when he wrote that, not knowing when you'd see it. He has always made you feel like you could do anything, why be scared now.

Do it.

You hastily slip the clean, white envelope into the empty mailbox and lightly close it, trying your best not to make any sound.

Your heart is beating faster than normal and you can see your hitched breaths coming out in pale clouds through the dark. You turn around and start your 10 minute walk back home without looking back.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя