in need of a friend

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First of all.. holy cow.
This book has over 4k reads.
That's actually insane.
Thank you all so much for your support and your kind comments. Seeing your feedback really makes my day on occasion :)
I wanted to try something different for this chapter and I'm not really sure how I feel about it, but you don't know unless you try. Requests are always open as well, just in case you have any ideas you want me to bounce off of. Anywhos, I've said too much and I just wanted to thank everyone for everything.

Enjoy :)

Tyler's POV

I slide into the driver's seat of my car and close the door firmly behind me. I fit the keys into the ignition and listen for the satisfying sound of the engine starting.

I close my eyes and sit back on the seat, taking a deep breath. I slowly open my eyes and turn my direction towards the object in my left hand. I carefully examine the small silver ring and try to calm my nerves, but my breathing won't stay even.

I stare at the steering wheel for a few moments before realizing that I don't even know where I'm going.

(Y/n) has been out since early this morning hanging out with friends. I felt guilty about taking the ring, (especially since she was asking if I had seen it) but I knew I had to do it. I kept trying to reassure myself, but guilt doesn't mix well with anxiety.

I close my hand into a fist and secure the ring. I slip my phone from my pocket and shakily dial the only number I need right now.

The monotone rings echo through my head and my heart rate increases with each missed tone.
Finally, I hear a cheerful response at the other end of the line.

"Hey man! How are you?"

I muster a small fake smile through the nerves and clear my throat.

"Hey Josh! Um, well, I'm actually sort of freaking out right now."

There's a slight pause, "is everything alright?"

I open my mouth to speak, but it goes suddenly dry. I take another deep breath and finally get my words out after a few anxious moments.

"What do you think of me proposing to (y/n)?"

Surprisingly, you get an immediate reaction.
"Oh my gosh Tyler, yes! You should totally do it! You guys are so happy together and seem to be meant for each other. I think you totally should. He takes a moment as if he's collecting himself before speaking up again, "but it's really up to you." He finishes in a much more serious tone.

For the first time all day, a genuine smile breaks through my anxious expression.

"Wow" I inaudibly mumble, "thanks for the support, man. I'm just really worried about this whole thing and the ring. The ring." I stop and take a few breaths, hoping Josh will say something.

Luckily, he does. "What's wrong with the ring?"

I breathe out. "I don't want to mess up what the ring looks like. I don't want to, yknow, disappoint her."

You can hear an amused chuckle come from the other end of the line.

"Tyler, she'll love anything you give her."

"Are you sure?" I anxiously cut him off, my words feeling a bit rushed.

"Of course. Plus, you know her better than anyone, you'll pick out the perfect ring. I know it."

I take a few breaths and feel my heart rate finally slow down a bit. "Thank you, Josh" I speak softly into the phone.

"Anytime, dude. If you need anything else, text or call."

"Will do. Thanks, man." I hang up the phone and slide it back into my pocket.

I pull the car into reverse and start to back down the driveway.

"You can do this" I murmur to myself. "You're going to the jeweler and picking out the perfect ring, only you can do this."

I turn down the road and start to the jewlers, fighting off any possible thoughts of rejection.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now