[ 14 ] Confessions

312 15 5

Date Published: Sunday, March 26th, 2017

Word Count: 2055

Song: Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara


Tuesday, July 19th, 2016


"Hurry up guys," Louis whisper-yelled. He was trying to get his sisters out of the house before his step-dad woke up.

Mark was passed out on the couch, four beer bottles littered around him. The only thing that made Louis feel the slightest bit safe, was Mark's loud snoring, meaning he was fast asleep. But that didn't mean that he couldn't wake up soon, so Louis had to get his sisters out of the house.

"Alright, calm down before you get your boxers in a twist," Lottie said, causing the twins to snicker.

"Who says I'm wearing any?" Louis sassed back.

"Ew, you're disgusting," Lottie squealed, pushing Félicité in front of her.

Louis noticed how Fizzy's eyes got wide and started tearing up, before scrambling away from Louis in fear. He made a note to confront her later that night, and hopefully find out what was wrong.

The Tomlinsons left the house and started their walk to school. The girls' elementary school was a block away from Chapwood High, so they all walked to school together every morning.

"Girls, let's get going," Louis ordered, looking at the clock on the wall. "Class starts in 15 minutes."

Everyone started picking up the pace, even Louis was jogging through the immense pain. When Louis noticed that Fizzy was trailing behind, he grabbed Fizzy's wrist and pulled her along, but she quickly tugged out of his grip and sprinted ahead of the group and ran the rest of the way to school.

"What did I do?" Louis asked, defeated.

"I don't think it's you. I think she's still upset about..." Lottie trailed off, realizing she said too much.

Louis stopped walking and grabbed Lottie's backpack, keeping her from walking away. He glanced down at his sister suspiciously. She avoided his gaze and looked down at her shoes, confirming Louis' suspicions. Lottie knew something.

"Are you two okay to walk alone the rest of the way?" Louis asked, glancing at Daisy and Phoebe with concern.

"Yes," Daisy replied, giggling slightly.

"Bye Louis," Phoebe added, who was also giggling.

The twins skipped off to school, and Louis kept glancing at them worriedly, just like a big brother would. He didn't want to let them walk alone, even if they were only a few blocks away, but he needed to confront Lottie. He turned Lottie around and grabbed her shoulders, not hurting her, but to keep her from running away.

"Spill," Louis demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lottie replied, but Louis saw right through her lies.

"Tell me."


"I didn't give you a choice."

"I don't care."

"Lottie," Louis said warningly.

"Louis," Lottie replied back, in a teasing voice.

Louis snapped. He needed to know why his little sister was hurting. He needed to help her.

"Fucking hell Lottie, just fucking tell me! I'm not a bad guy! I'm not going to use it against her or anything! I'm her fucking brother! I'm supposed to protect her and keep her safe and help her in anyway that I can! But I can't fucking do that because I don't know what's wrong, and it hurts so badly. I love Fizzy so much, I love all of you girls, but if I can't protect you, what does that say about me? It says that I'm a horrible brother and I don't even deserve-"

It Ended With An "Oops" And "Hi"Where stories live. Discover now