"Fine let me rephrase. I'm not a fan of breaking and entering without a good reason," Marley said and Jughead rolled his eyes.

"This is a good reason," he whispered and Marley shot him a look.

"What's the reason?" Marley asked crossing her arms over her chest and Jughead rolled his eyes.

"I'll buy you a milkshake," Jughead negotiated.

"Next you'll have me robbing a bank on the condition that you will buy me a milkshake," Marley replied shooting Jughead another look. Jughead sighed before replying.

"Fine. I'll rewatch all the Star Wars movies with you," Jughead muttered and Marley smiled.

"Sold," Marley said before turning to the door that leads to the backyard.

"Do you need a boost?" Jughead asked her and Marley shook her head.

"Nope. I'm basically Spider-Man. I've got this." Marley said before hoisting her self up and over the gate. She landed on her feet with a slight thud.

"Everything okay, Ro?" Jughead asked her through the door and Marley didn't respond and unlocked the gate.

"Everything's peachy," Marley said as soon as she opened the gate to revel Jughead. He smiled at his girlfriend and walked into the back yard shutting the gate behind him.

"Are you going to explain why we have broken yet another law?" Marley asked Jughead and he ignored her and grabbed her hand and began walking.

"My illegal activity count has now gone from 3 to 4," Marley spoke as Jughead led her over to a large tree.

"It was a Three before? I thought it was just two, what else did you do?" Jughead asked his girlfriend and Marley shrugged.

"Underaged Drinking." She responded and Jughead nodded before turning to face the large tree with a rope ladder hanging down.

"You go up first, incase the ladder breaks I can catch you. It's always been weak." Jughead explained and Marley nodded not asking any questions and began to climb the ladder. Jughead waited for her to get on the treehouse before following her.

The treehouse was cleared out a nearly year ago. There was leaves scattered around the floor. There was a large makeshift window that had a view of the back yard. Marley was still surprised at the size of the treehouse.

She sat down next to the makeshift window on the floor and tapped space next to her asking Jughead to sit next to her.

"Are you going to explain to me why we are sitting in a old treehouse?" Marley asked Jughead.

Jughead sighed before replying.

"My mom, Dad, Jellybean and I used to live in that house. It's smaller than other houses in Riverdale but a home is a home. We didn't have much money, compared to the Blossoms, the Coopers and the Andrews we were broke. But we were happy." Jughead explained and Marley smiled.

"Even though we didn't have all the money everyone will still come over to my house to play. My dad built this tree house for my 8th birthday and it was the ultimate hang out spot." Jughead said and Marley giggled.

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