Chapter 3

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~Zoey's POV~ 

 To be honest, I missed hanging out with Arynn.. A lot. Seeing her smile for the first time in a while today was perfect. I loved that he was finally happy again and that we could go back to the way we used to be. Well, until she moved atleast. Which saddened me because I wouldn't be able to see my best friend anymore. I decided I would get her and me infinity necklaces that said best friends on it. Her's hers was a purple infinity sign with best friends written in pink and mine was the oppisite.  I was gonna give them to her today but I decided to wait until the night of the concert, which is also her last night in Michigan. 

While she was driving me around in her new truck, we were talking and laughing just like we used to and catching up on alot of things. It was so much fun and we were laughing pretty much the whole time. Before we knew it, we were back in her driveway. Right when we were about to get out, our old favorite song came on and I thought she had forgotten about it, but when I looked up at her and seen the look on her face.. I knew she remembered. I must have had a funny look on my face because she bursted out laughing. Then the song blared through the radio..

"AUSTIN MAHONE!!!, lemme get it, ain't no playin with it, BANGA! BANGA!.."

We sung along to the whole song knowing we sounded terrible but we didn't care. When the song was finished we ran inside laughing our heads off and linking arms. Jeez.. I didn't want it to end but eventually my mom said we had to go, so we said our goodbyes and left. Hopefully Arynn wouldn't be depressed again when school started in a couple of weeks.



 Today was the last day of summer. Me and Zoey spent the last few weeks hanging out everyday. We decided that since we both had done nothing exciting all summer, we would go to a near by water park. I got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. When I was finished i put on my favorite Victoria's Secert bikini. It was light blue with neon pink stripes and the bottoms were white. Then I put on a pair of faded blue shorts and a white see through shirt. I decided to throw my hair up in a messy bun. Since it was labor day, they had free admission, so that was good. My mom and Sophie sat in beach chairs and tanned while me and Zoey went running around to all the slides and having a blast. We even had a code name that we would scream everytime we seen a hot guy... and there was A LOT!! As we were waiting in line to go down one of the slides, there ws this really hot guy standing infront of us that kept looking at us and smiling then looking away. He was with 3 other guys and I swear I knew them from somewhere but I couldn't figure it out. I looked at Zoey and said "code purple!!" and we both instantly started laughing. The boys looked so confused which only made us laugh harder. Then, them being boys, started slowly adjusting there hair and swim shorts, thinking there was somehting wrong with them.. It was cute. Finally one of the guys stepped down. 

"Why do you guys keep laughing??!!" he said, very confused like. 

I looked at Zoey then back at him and said " Because, me and my friend Zoey have a secert word that we say everytime we see a hot guy, and this time we happened to see four!" 

" Oh, and who are those four guys?" he said as he winked    

"Well we kinda can't tell you because  we don't really know there names, they are standing right infront of us though!" Zoey yelled out 

They all laughed and he explained "Well, my name is Zach, and that's Robert, Alex and uhhh... Chase" 

They each waved and smiled as Robert called out names. But the last one.. he didn't sound confident about that being his name, but we went along with it. 

"Sooo.. wanna go down this slide with us and then get some food?" Alex questioned.

We agreed and all got in a line. We linked together by wrapping our legs around the person sitting infront of us and holding on to the lags that were in our lap. It was Robert infront, then Zoey, Alex, Me, Chase and last was Zach. Chase held me tight and didn't let go until we had fallen off the end of the slide and were under water. I thought it was cute. I wish I could figure out how I knew them so it would stop bugging me. Robert, Zach, and Alex instantly made me thing "OG crew", well it's foolish 4 now but they looked different and who was Chase...I just ignored it and we all walked over to the food stand. Zoey and Rabert were flirting alot. The other 2 didn't say much and kept texting so I figured that they had girlfriends. Chase, on the other hand, kept looking at me and smiling, which of course made my face go extremely red. I smiled and looked down, trying to hide my facde from him. 

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