Chapter 2

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~Arynn pov~ 

Everything was perfect. I had my dog, my parents were back together, and best of all I had my boyfriend back. Life was back to the way it used to be. Then there was this darkness that started chasing me. I couldn't run away no matter how hard I tried. I fell and it captured me. I saw nothing but darkness. I thought I was dead until my alarm clock went off and I was back in my bed. It was summer break. A week away from my birthday. I wasn't excited for anything but being old enough to get my drivers license. I got up and got ready for the day. Not that I was going to do anything. I went donstairs and of course my mom wasn't there. I basically lived alone. My sister Jaquilnne was living with her dad and since my dad was really my step dad and my little brother Skyler was the only one who was biologically his, he was staying with my dad for the summer. I on the other hand didn't know my dad and didn't plan to. He left to go live with a hooker and didn't want anything to do with me so I consider my step dad as my real dad. My mom was always working or at her boyfriends house. I didn't like him very much. I liked my dad's girlfriend though. Her name was Lisa and she was really nice. Well anyway I ate my breakfast and went upstairs to grab my bracelets. They were very important concidering the fact that they covered my memories of my past that will forever be marked on my wrists. AAfter I had them placed exactly how I needed them to be, I went outside for my usual walk. I didn't really go anywhere specific, I just walked. Of course I was listening to music. Whenever I was tired of walking I turned around and went home. I walked through the quiet house and found the list of chores that my mom left me and expected them to be done when she got home... Talk about best summer break, I get to spend it cleaning a house. So I started cleaning and packing for our move. We are moving from Michigan to Florida because my mom is tired of having our neighbors always stalking us. And she got a really big job down there. Well I'll be closer to my favorite singer Austin Mahone so I guess that's a good thing. 


Well, today's my birthday. My mom left me a store bought cupcake, a card and 20 dollars. She also got me an Itunes card with 50 dollars on it. That was something I could actually use.  I started packing again and someone walked through the door. I looked around the corner and to my surprise my mom was standing there. But she wasn't alone. Standing next to her was my old best friend Zoey Macintyre and her mom Sophie. I came into the family room with them and sat down. My mom had a piece of paper in her hand that was folded up into a rectangular shape. She noticed I was staring at it and said " I got you another present.. do you want to open it now?". I nodded and she handed me the mystery rectangle paper thing. I unfolded it and seen something fall out of it. I didn't pick it up right away because on the inide of it was another paper that said.. 

                                *I.O.U. a t-shirt from the concert and posters to make with your best friend* 

I was very confused until I looked down and saw what had landed on the floor. It was a ticket and the first thing I read of of it was AUSTIN MAHONE. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!! MOM!!! THANK YOU!!!!" I screamed.

"Did you even look where your seats were?" she said back 

I read the ticket further and it said CENTER SECTION SEAT 16 ROW B. I was so close to the stage and it was the center section!! I was SO happy!! 

"Your going with Zoey" said my mom 

"Ok, and how are we going to get there?" 

"Go look outside.." 

I went out the front door and dropped to the ground. Sitting there in the driveway was a big, red, 2013 Ford F-150 with a big blue bow on it. My mom threw me the keys and said "It's all yours". I ran over to it and seen my drivers license sitting in the seat. 

"MOM!!!! Can I drive it now?? Just around the block or something??"  

"Yes, go ahead but be carefull!! ME and Sophie are going to catch up on stuff."

I got in the drivers seat and motioned for Zoey to come over. She got in the passenger seat and we drove away. We started talking about how our summer has gone so far and how much we would miss eachother when I moved. I missed this. Being able to talk to somebody, laughing, smiling. It was nice. I was gonna get my best friend back and we were gonna hang out like we used to and everything was gonna be ok. But then I was going to move, and I would have to leave her. And everything would go back to the way it was before. No. I wasn't going to let that happen. I wasn't going to let my depression control me anymore. From now on I would go back to the happy girl I was before. It was going to happen and I was going to like it. 



I have the next chapter made but I don't know if you guys like my story in the first place. 

Please comment and let me know what you think 

I don't know if I should keep going or just stop 

to be honest... I don't even think anyone is reading it or enjoying it. 

Share this with other people and let me know what you think please!! 

I won't post the next chapter until I get atleast one comment on how i'm doing or a few votes... 

Thanks(: Byeeee!!(: 

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