20. The Breakup - Joey's POV

Start from the beginning

"Carry on. I will be back in a minute," Daniel released his fingers from Joey's hands and walked towards a room.

Joey was busy answering the press and talking to the children. He noticed Daniel hadn't returned. Petar wasn't there. There was a crowd and small commotion in the room Daniel entered.

"Did something happen to Daniel? Did he slip?"

Joey signaled his security to go and check.

He was still talking with the children. He lost patience when nobody had returned after another ten minutes. He walked to the room. People made way for him. The first thing Joey saw was a very distorted, blister-covered face.

"God! What kind of horrible disease is this?" he thought. The second thing he saw was Daniel's back. He was actually hugging that ugly man seated in the wheelchair.

"Is he mad? Why is he even touching him? He could catch a million infections," Joey thought. He looked around to see many perplexed faces. What is going on? Something is definitely wrong.

"Danny" he called soothingly, touching his shoulders. Daniel did not even notice it. He was talking to that ugly man.

"I love you. I love you. I owe everything to you. I will do this and much more. I will kill everybody in this world if you say, Lucas"

"Lucas?" the name rang a bell. "I had an ex. Lucas. We are not together now," he remembered Daniel saying on their first date.

He heard the hospital staff near him whispering, "so this is Daniel. He is real. Lucas was not lying."

"Yes. All the cards and gifts he showed us were real. This man sent it to him."

"This is real love. He had earned, arranged for him to get the best treatment for the past three years, kept in touch and come to him in his last days."

"The boy is very young. Imagine how hard he should have worked to afford such a high-class treatment. Herpes gladiatorum can cost even more than the cancer treatment."

"I wish I had a lover like him. His gifts were always the best. Lucas is a lucky fellow."

Joey's head started spinning. What were they talking about? Who worked hard to treat whom? What was that disease – Herpes?"

"Daniel, look here." No. Daniel and Lucas were in another word. Daniel was keenly answering to the grunts and groans coming out of that thing called the face.

"Of course I never hated you. I never forgot you. Not for a moment. I love you more than my life."

"Daniel," Joey's patience was getting thin. The hospital staff started to push the wheelchair back to another place. Lucas was still holding Daniel's hand. Joey took his other hand.

Daniel turned now. His face was flushed red. He pulled out his hand in haste. "Daniel wait. They are taking him to another ward."

"Maybe. I am going with him," Daniel replied walking with Lucas. Joey controlled his anger and followed them.

"Who is this?"

"This is Lucas..."

"Daniel. Wait. It is a restricted area. You can't go in."

Daniel was already inside. The guards prevented others from entering strictly.

Petar walked out arguing with a man who looked almost like Daniel.

The security guards took Joey back to the event. Joey had lost his mood completely. But, he continued to chat with the children and pose for the photos. The press was asking for Daniel in a short time. They wanted the couple's picture together.

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