Chapter Five: It Hurts

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~Sakura's POV

After speaking with Sasuke I ran- well limped away from him. I could feel his stare but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

He can stand there all day and just stare at me, I don't care. Well maybe I'd care a little bit, I mean his family would be worried sick. But that's not the point.

I was late, really late.

And God knows what happens when I'm late to get home.

"I still don't get how you call that place a 'home'. Cause you know, it's supposed to be 'Home sweet home'? Like it's all warm and inviting but that place is just-"

'That doesn't matter right now inner! We just need to focus on getting there as fast as we can' I told her.

"You're right, I know. Oh don't forget to take a left here!"

'Thanks, I almost forgot'

"Yeah, just...keep going so we can get this over with..."

And with that she disappears back into the depths of my mind. Like she always does when this happens.

I continue to limp my way there, the house in sight and only a few hundred meters away.

I look up to the sky and see its purple like colour. Fear finds its way inside me, an unsettling feeling inside my bones. My heart race quickens and I find it hard to breath.

It was, what? Sometime near six, seven o'clock? I was a good three hours late. I'm expected-ordered to be back at three-thirty everyday. Even if I was late by a minute, a minute. I'd be punished. Imagine what would happen if I was an hour late? How about, three?

I stop right at the front door, and find my hand hovering over the metal door knob. The door was the only thing separating me, and them. And right now, I'm debating whether or not I should even open it.

But there are just some things you have to do. No matter how much you don't want to.

I took a deep shaky breath.

'Here goes...'

I clasp the small knob in my hand and slowly turn it until hearing a light 'click'. I push the wooden door open and I'm welcomed by darkness.

I hesitantly walk through the door and into the house. Not a single light was burning, just pitch black.

I walk until I'm about two meters away from the door I had just walked in from. And then I hear a creaking sound, the same sound the door made when it opened. Meaning that something or someone had closed it.

"And just where have you been??" A malicious man's voice asks from behind me.

I gulped.

Before I can reply another voice speaks up.

"Don't you know what time it is??" A feminine voice asks.

The lights flicker on.

In front of me, is a women with short blonde hair. She stands a good two feet over me, towering over my small form. Her lips are curved into sickeningly sweet smile, her blue eyes gleaming with something unknown but terrifying.

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