Chpater Two: Defending

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The two of us walked into the classroom. The room was filled with students, some people I recognized from the yard.

But what caught my eye was a large group of girls surrounding the one seat of the room.

'Don't tell me they're bullying someone else'

Peering over a few of their shoulders I could see who exactly they were surrounding.

It was a boy raven coloured with tints of navy in it. Obsidian eyes that was narrowed into a hard glare. His arms crossed over his chest.

All in all, he didn't look too happy. He looked, well...annoyed.

That's when I noticed the most peculiar thing about the girls eyes. They had what looked like hearts in replace of actually eyes.

I quirked a brow.

How does one change their eyes? More importantly how is that humanly possible?

Ok let's think about this.

Hearts represent Love and affection.
They are in the eyes of girls.
Who are currently surrounding a boy.

That's would mean....

I snickered.

Oh this was priceless.

They were Fangirls.

Naruto looked at me weirdly, an eyebrow of his own quirked.

I pointed over to the horde of girls and once his gaze landed on it. He couldn't help but snicker too.

It's nice to see Naruto has a sense of humour. I think we'll get along just fine.

"Come on, let's go find some place to sit" I said.

I grabbed hold of his hand once more and walked towards an empty row. Upon arriving at the sixth row I sat down and slid over. Giving Naruto some room.

He tilted his head to the side. Another silent question is asked from his eyes.

'You want to sit'

I can't believe these can they be so rude to him? He did nothing, nothing! Yet these people have the audacity to make his life hell.

I wanted to pull him into a hug, tell him.

'I'll always be there for you, you will never be alone'

But now was not the time for that.

So instead I keep smiling and pat the seat beside.

"Come on" I said encouragingly

He grinned and happily plopped himself.

"Thanks! You know, you're the first person to actually be nice to me" he said.

"Really? I don't see why. You're a really nice guy" I told him.

He blushed slightly.

"Uh, thanks" he stammered.

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