Chapter 2

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School is to teach, school is to learn, school is to make new friends, school is to become wise……… why do we have to go to school? Everything you learn in school can easily be learned off of the internet. Also why do we get homework? School is the place to learn not after school, or before school. Also when you have homework you might stay up late doing it, then you get in trouble for not being at school in time because you overslept. School is so confusing, but sadly everyone still has to go, everyone still has to do the homework, do the school work, wake up early.  I cant wait for the day to come that I don't have to show up to school anymore…….but that day might be closer to me than for other kids…..for reasons you'll understand later.


Charlotte's POV.

After I stepped out of the doorway I started to run, but I was shocked because I ran faster than I ever thought I could. Maybe I should join track this year…...No Charlotte! I yelled in my head.  No sports or clubs, being in an sport or club means being around the people who hate me even longer then I have to.  I just happen to be the most hated girl in school, I don't really know why, but I don't have anyone who might know to ask.  I could always ask my mom, but that might get her worrying and I don't want her hovering over me like a baby when I am 14.  My mom is always really on my back about things, if I rode my bike, it would be with pads everywhere to ‘insure safety’ whilst i’m riding, I never said no though, because I hate seeing people sad. I’m really gooey and whenever I see anyone frown or cry, no matter the age, I just melt.  Looking around I saw the brick walls of the school I currently stand in front of, panting because of the run I just had. I dont go to one of those really nice schools, I go to the type of school that people would call ghetto.  But I guess thats a correct point.  Looking around I saw people smoking, doing drugs, making out.  Letting out a sigh I walked over to the tree thats nicknamed ‘Charlottes tree’ because everyone refuses to touch anything i've touched, and if the tree is named after me, that warns everyone that its ‘toxic’ for others to touch.  I still dont understand why everyone hates me so much, one day I had a whole group of friends, and table to sit at at lunch.  The next day I walked in and no one would look at me.  But soon people gathered the guts to talk to me.  But to be honest, I wish they never got those guts, ever since they got those guts everyone bullies me, I can't go one day without being pushed, side glared, whispered about, or cornered.  Even when I just sit down at the tree, I could already feel the stares, heard the whispers.  Sighing I pulled out my book and just let myself drift off into the book. A couple minutes the bell rang signaling that the doors are open for people to go into school.  I slowly put my books back in my backpack and snailed to the door to insure that everyone would be inside already, so that way when i get inside lots of people will already be in class, so I won't have any staggering jocks or cheerleaders around to push me around.  Making my way inside I groaned when I saw jake, hes my biggest bully, every second of every day at school he’ll tease me, and be a normal bully.

“Hey Charlie!” He yells across the hall. I tried my hardest to speed walk to my class which is only a couple feet away, but jake got to the door before I could.” Isn't charlie a boy name?” He asked me while pushing me up against the wall.

“ Ya, thats why my name is charlotte.” I snottily shot back.

“Ooohh, shy girl got some claws I see” He said whilst pushing me back into the lockers.  I was starting to see stars because of hitting my head.  I clutched my jaw to keep from whimpering and letting him know he was hurting me. “What? Not gonna fight back?”  Another slam into the lockers “You're so weak, no wonder you're a loner, no friends, all haters.” He murmured in my ear, I saw what he was trying to do.  He was trying to get me to snap.  No one in the school likes me, not the teachers, not the students, not any of the staff, and especially not the principal. One snap and i'll be thrown out of the school, and everyone would probably be laughing like lunatics watching me walk home, to tell my mom that I can't go back to that school.  She would be so sad and disappointed.  Thats one of the only reasons why I haven't snapped and broke someones nose yet.  Jake opened his mouth again probably to tease me some more, but the bell rung before he could get a word out. “ Your lucky charlie.” He said lowly in my ear before letting me go and walking in the other direction.  By this time I was freaking out, i'm late! I rushed right across the hall to slowly open the door and head inside only to be met with every single kid staring at me.  After I step inside and let the door click closed every kid started howling with laughter.  I could feel my cheeks start to heat up, thats another thing i hate about myself, I can't ever stop blushing.

“Charlotte Marie Summers” Scolded Ms.Susan “ You are late, thats a detention this time.” I was about to say the most used word kids use, but, but I decided I might get in even more trouble for that one so I just clamped my mouth shut and sped walked over to my seat to see ‘Toxin desk’ Writen on my desk in sharpie.  Sighing I slipped down into my seat.  Today is already horrible, I can bet anyone 100,000 bucks that Jake didn't get detention or even glared at, I bet his teacher smiled when he walked into the classroom.  Jake is the most loved student in the whole school.  Hes won over the teachers because of ‘how charming that boy’ is, I know, Stupid.  He's also won over all of the guys of the school because of ‘ how cool and amazing at sports he is’.  Last but not least hes won over every girl in school( besides me) because of his ‘ muscles and being the head jock, and being amazingly hot like the sun, well during the day. him being like the sun at night is just an insult’ Im surrounded by idiots.  The rest of the day passed like a blur.  Finally the bell rang jumping out of my seat I raced out of the classroom, unlike in the morning, where I'm slow for others to get to class, at the end of the day I have to race like its the olympics because after school, kids hang around they don't just leave, the high school is the place to stand around and chat, even though id just had an hour of detention, kids were still everywhere.  I was highly relieved when I was able to get out of the school without having another encounter with Jake or any of the other Athletes. Slowly I started my journey home, Through the dark skies. I looked up and saw what I thought was a wing of a large bird, but then laughed at myself.  My head is probably still banged up from getting slammed against the lockers, and now i'm seeing things. Shaking my head I once again started walking.


Unknown Pov.

“ What were you thinking?!?!” Someone yelled at me when I landed from my flight. “ Did anyone see you?” She demanded.

“Well I didn't see anyone” I said with a smirk on my face. I felt the back of my head be smacked.

“Of course you didnt! You can't see!” She said annoyed. “Whatever, C'mon my moms making some amazing homemade cookies for us.” She said while walking away. She absolutely loves those cookies of hers, I thought to myself whilst shaking my head. Tough, Ruthless girl like her turned into a pile of mush at the scent of homemade cookies.


Thankyou again for reading this story, for ever person who reads this I just become so happy. If you like this story though, can you spread the word about it? I would really like that. I do not own anything from maximum ride. but I do own charlotte and some of the other charecters <(^^)

 The Picture on the Right is Jake, Isnt he cute tho? How can charlotte resist him? I dont know how. And The vid on the right is just a video that i think the song just goes with this chapter

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