I was glad that he believed me. Soon, the girl came by with two horses.

"Get on." The man ordered and I did. He took the other one.

The girl stared at me like she wanted to say something but didn't know how.

"When Eurus gets back, make sure Cleo talks to him ok?" I told the girl.

She looked at me like I was insane. I didn't blame her. A horse couldn't talk and being a medic had nothing to do with it.

"Bugger off!" The man growled at the girl and she scurried away.

"You try pulling something like that again, I will throttle you." He snarled in my face.

"Ok." I gulped.

"Ride out of the palace and don't stop until we're in Beate." He ordered.

"The eastern border?" I asked, hope surging within. Dominic and the others were on their way there.

"Yes, you dumb-"

I gave a nod and surged my horse forward before he could complete the sentence. The guards looked at us with suspicion but didn't stop us.

"I don't know the way." I said to the man when we were out of the castle.

"Follow me." He muttered after cursing, "and don't try to run. I can snap you like a twig whenever I want."


It wasn't as though I could say anything else. I didn't even have a knife to defend myself with.

We rode for what seemed like hours and soon, I could make out faint outlines of the jungle in Beate.

"Ditch your horse." Came the command.


"We're riding on one horse from here on." He glared, "I don't want you to run off into the forest."

"I won't." I said.

"I don't trust you." He informed, reaching to pull out the blade he stole from the infirmary.

The feeling is mutual, buddy.

This was my only shot. There was no way I was going to share a horse with him.

"You should ditch your horse." I suggested, "it is old. Mine is faster."

I planned to run off into the forest as soon as he got off.

"Get off." He moved forward to grab me and I kicked my horse.

It jumped away from the man and I saw anger flare in his eyes. Turning away, I guided the horse into the forest. I didn't have much of a head start because he started chasing me immediately. I didn't know whether his horse was slower than mine or not. I didn't even know if mine was fit enough to run. There was only one advantage I had.

I had great experience in running away.

Without glancing back even once, I charged into the forest. He wasn't far behind, I could hear his horse and his cursing.

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