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I want to go find Blooming, but I'll stick close to Mage. I don't want to be caught by another hostile jammer again. What if they had killed mage? Or me? I think of the arrow thudding into Daring's shoulder and shudder inwardly. Mage leads me back around the township and his shoulders are tense.
"Is that who you wanted to meet?" I break the cold silence. Mage shakes his head;
"No, there must have been a mishap, Daring is supposed to be in prison."
I must look incredulous; because I feel so.
"Then why is he free? And why does he hate you so much? And why did he say that he wanted to capture me?"
Mage grunts as we reach the border to Appondale.
"Some questions don't need answers."
I wrinkle my nose, that doesn't make sense. Every question has and needs an answer.
Mage leads me into the center of Appondale. It is beautiful. The sky is alight with a billion stars and a swathe of the Milky Way stretches across the black canvas. It's like a fantasy. There is a large acacia tree that is hanging with pots and jars. Set into its side is a wooden door. I want to ask Mage if I can peek inside; but I guess he will refuse. It's not like he's my father or something. I giggle and run to the tree, climbing up the well worn limbs made smooth by generations of paws.
"Ember!" Mage yells at me. I stick out my tongue;
"I'm just climbing the tree." Why does he have to be so bossy?
Mage looks annoyed but has nothing else to say. He sends me a glare before turning around again.
When his annoying gaze is off me I leap up the tree, digging my claws into the soft bark and lifting myself to the heights. Up here it's even more beautiful. It's like you're part of the sky. Like one of the stars among a galaxy.
"Ember where are you?!" An even more annoyed voice makes me leap forward to get down the tree. Instead, my paw slips and I fall. Am I falling from the tree or into the tree? I can't tell.
Oof! Hard floor meets my paws and a ripple of excruciating pain shoots through my injured leg. I yowl and find that I'm standing up right. Of course, cats always land on their paws. I'm standing in a pool of moonlight shimmering off a smooth wooden floor. I'm inside the tree! Little chirps and buzzes and barks meet my ears. I gaze around in the dim light that shines from the torches situated along the wood walls. It's a tree full of pets? I turn my gaze to a wooden staircase that stretches to a little balcony above. A pet snake slithers past me, a pet butterfly flits above my head; shimmering in beautiful purples and blues. A puppy barks at me and licks my paw as I hold it out. I laugh. This place is awesome!

"Ember are you okay?!" Mage bursts into the room and the pets scatter. I can't help but feel a bit frustrated.
"You just scared them off!"
Mage groans and rolls his eyes;
"Come on Ember; I have someone you should meet."
I stand up and shake my fur as another jammer enters. It's an orange snow leopard with white markings and fiery red paws and tail tip. He's very tall and strong and I shrink back at his red-eyed gaze. He looks me over from head to tail; making me very uncomfortable.
"He.. hello...?" I stammer nervously. The snow leopard grunts,
"How did you not return her home?" He turns to Mage; talking about me as if I'm not even here and a ripple of fear runs down my back. He's going to take me back!
"She did not want to return." Mage answers; not looking at all threatened by the snow leopard's questioning glare. He turns to me as I try to map out an escape plan. If only Blooming were here!
"A runnaway then, huh?" The snow leopard chuckles. I flush with shame. By now all of Jamaa must know.
"Shall I introduce her to The Cult?" Mage asks. The snow leopard nods,
"Try to stay low, if Gilbert or Daring finds out we're dead meat." I see Mage stiffen and feel a pang of worry. I guess we are dead meat. The snow leopard takes one last scrutinizing look at me and leaves the room. I glare at Mage.
"I don't wanna go with you; I want to find my friend."
Mage sighs;
"What friend?"
"My friend Blooming; I was heading towards her den."
Mage shrugs his shoulders and looks annoyed. Not unusual for him.
"It's risky." His short answer makes me angry. Why is it that wherever I go somebody has to boss me around? Is there anywhere I can be free?
"Well at least tell me why." I cross my paws and sit, glaring at him. Daring seems to be the only danger, and I doubt he'll be coming near me and my arrows again.
Mage face paws;
"I can't tell you everything, but you have inherited something that is very coveted."
I raised an eyebrow. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. Why would it be risky to visit my best friend?
"You think that Blooming would hurt me?" I am incredibly incredulous.
Mage shakes his head and stands.
"Let's go." I suppose he thinks it's not worth arguing over.
"I'm not going anywhere." I huff.
"That's how you reward me for saving your life?" He smirks. I nearly choke on my saliva.
"Pfft. You think I'm gonna follow you everywhere because you saved me from some harmless vine and illusionary phantoms?"
To my surprise he looks hurt.
"Ember, I'm only trying to protect you." He looks down and his voice softens. Is he trying to make me feel bad? It's not work- it's working. I sigh and stand up.
"Fine. Take me to your 'Cult'"
Mage brightens;
"Alright, but shall we pay a visit to your friend first? I don't want to rob you of friendship."

Somehow I feel brighter even though the privilege wasn't his to give.

Sorry for the short chapter 😭
I tried my best lel.

What do you guys think Ember has inherited, and who do you think the Cult is?

Predict in the comments below!

And as always;
Catch ya later jammers!
-Sky 🌤

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