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It happens just as I thought it would. Standing in front of father, my fur smudged and dirty as he glares down at the three of us. Three being me, Blooming, and Prancing. I feel bad that Prancing has to be dragged into this, but who am I to change the fate? I secretly blame Blooming, but know this is half my fault. I can tell father is deathly embarrassed at this whole ordeal. His reputation means a lot to him, I know that. But my reputation is slowly seeming to go downhill as the large tiger examines all of us.
"I am very disappointed in you Ember," I am not surprised at his comment, but I know he's definitely not surprised at the outcome. For Mira's sake, this hasn't been the first time I've done such. I raise my head and meet his green eyes,
"I'm sorry," I mean what I say, but I know I won't quit doing it. What can I say? I can't help my inner self from escaping.
"And you two will most likely have a talk with your parents tonight," Father raises a paw and taps at his phone, indicating the Jamagrams he had sent.
"We're sorry Sir," Prancing sounds scared and Blooming sounds annoyed. I get the jest that neither of them are actually sorry. Blooming is probably only sorry her plan failed as it did, and Prancing is probably regretting our friendship.
"You two come with me, Ember; to your room."
I sigh and meet Blooming's eyes. There are other ways to enjoy being stuck in your room. I mouth, until next time. Blooming winks and walks off, Prancing following.
My room is dark and quiet as I click the cold key into the keyhole. The wooden door creaks open, and I step into the room, feeling annoyed. As I fall back onto the bed, I groan. So much for my adventure. I think back, remembering the look on the guys faces as I nail every goal. Despite being caught, I laugh at the fun. It had been much better then sitting in a room full of jammers while being trapped in a dress. I giggle, not really caring. Flopping off the edge of my bed, I lean down and pull the wooded chest from underneath. I heave it onto the sheets, running my paw over the smooth wood. Click. The top pops up. I pull out the tiny object. The gem rests coolly in my hand, sparkling like a thousand diamonds. I get a flashback of my mother's loving face as she placed the gem in my paws. I miss her at that moment,  wishing she was still here to teach me the worlds wonders, and tell me bedtime tales. I hear footsteps and drop the gem in it's chest, clicking it shut and pushing it under the bed. There is a hard tap on the door. I sit up,
"Come in!"
I feel a lot less threatened when my nanny, Miss Petal Heart; enters. She's a round yellow and grey panda, with lively green eyes. She's always trying to keep me out of trouble, and to her avail; never succeeding.
"Ah see your father has caught you again," I can tell she's trying not to chuckle.
"Ha. Well its not new," I jump off the bed and pad over to the window, sitting down in front of the wide frame. From my room I can see Jamaa township. Its a little scatter of buildings in the valley, I've always dreamed of going there. School is just on the outskirts, and I'm not allowed there anymore. I suppose father knows what it'll be like, thinking of last time. I had met Blooming there, and we did not hit it off right away. Let's just say there were a few fights before we realized how strong we'd be together. I still laugh at the memory.
"Put something on child," Miss Petal hands me a brown and navy blue set of leather armour, probably from the diamond shop. I laugh, giving her the signal I'm probably not going to put it on. Miss Petal clicks her tongue,
"Ah I see young lady, bath first."
Just the mention of a bath makes me jump two feet.
"Not happening," I say. Miss Petal seems to give up and turns to leave the room
"Your father will be up in a moment; he wants to talk to you,"
I roll my eyes as she exits and set about aiming darts at my closet door. The thing is already pinpointed with numerous holes. Father must not have the strength or time to scold me, Miss Petal thinks its the bugs.
I hear the stairs creak and throw the last dart. Father's pep talks never really helped much, but I decided this time I might listen. Perhaps he'll ground me for a day less. 
"Ember?" I hear him ask. Immediately I sit up straight,
"Come in,"
The door opens slowly as my father steps in. His red cape brushes the floor and he looks a lot less angry at me.
"You cannot hang around Blooming anymore "
One thing I don't like about father. He's blunt. I stare,
"But father she's my friend!" I can't believe what he's telling me,
"She's a bad example," my father growls. I glare at him,
"You can't make me!" I can't imagine life without Blooming. There is no absolute way! My father scowls,
"Ember, this is for your own good."
I stand up,
"What do you know? I don't see anything good of this!" I feel a tear slide down my cheek,
"Please don't take my best friend away," 
I know I'm a bad girl, and probably deserve punishment; but the thought of never seeing Blooming again is too much.
"I'm sorry Ember, I can't risk it."
I watch as he leaves the room, hearing the door lock with a click.
"No!" I throw myself against it. Why doesn't he understand I won't change? I pace back and forth in my bedroom, angry. The one thing that I know for sure, was this is not going to keep us apart. I rack my brain, thinking hard. I must talk to Blooming tonight.
Now where was that secret exit?

Ahh that was fun to write!
Why to you guys think Sir Gilbert is so overprotective?
Predict in the comments below!
And as I say,
Catch you later Jammers!

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