Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Teri this all looks wonderful. I can't believe that you did all of this", Jeanie said grabbing one of the small sandwiches from one of the caterers. Teri managed to set up a beautiful baby shower outside of Jeanie's house. Everything was pastel and gender neutral. Even though Teri knew the baby's gender, Jeanie and Matt were determined to keep it a secret from everyone else.

The sun was out and shining and the guests were already starting to arrive. Teri set up gifts and games outside with champagne and other delicate food selections.

Then for the guys, if they chose to, there was a large projector screen on the opposite side of the yard, showing the game. The caterers made sure to keep a steady stream of beer, subs, and wings.

So far everyone seemed happy, but Teri wouldn't stop moving. She wouldn't stop to enjoy her work. She was constantly straightening up a table or decoration; or she was making sure that the caterers were on a steady pace.

"Teri, really if this is too much for you at any point, I will understand". Teri stopped to grab a champagne glass from a bypassing tray. "No, honey, I am fine really. I just want to make sure that everything is perfect".  Something must have caught Teri's eye because suddenly she was making her way into the house towards the kitchen. Jeanie just shook her head and just kept a mental note to keep an eye on her friend.

About an hour later Sherri arrived with Jason. It still took some persuasion from Jason to get Sherri to actually come out. Crowds weren't really her thing, especially when she didn't know anyone there. From the moment she walked in the door she could feel her walls going up. Jason guided her over to Matt and Jeanie to introduce her.

"Matt, Jeanie! Congratulations!" Jason said walking up to his friends and hugging them both. "This is one of my close friends, Sherri. And Sherri these are the new parents to be".

"Hi, nice to meet you and congratulations", Sherri said as they exchanged hugs.

Jeanie was momentarily shocked when she saw Sherri. After hearing all of the issues that Teri was having at work, she decided to google her and see what the woman actually looked like. "Oh my, you are beautiful", Jeanie said without thinking. But it wasn't a lie. Sherri had on a light blue summer dress with sandals and worse her hair curly and down past her shoulders.

Before Sherri could reply with her gratitude she was interrupted by a familiar blonde beauty. "Jeanie, where do you keep the extra...." In that moment Teri forgot what exactly it is that she needed to say once she saw Sherri. She wasn't sure if she was making this up in her head or not, and for some reason her brain wouldn't let her do anything else until she figured it out. "Teri? I didn't know you were going to be here" Sherri said surprising both Teri and herself with the amount of excitement in her voice.

Jeanie slightly budged Teri to speak up. "Yeah. I'm...I'm the godmother".

"Would you all excuse us for a minute I have to ask Teri something about the food". Guiding Teri  back inside towards the kitchen Jeanie tried to think on her feet.

"I can ask them to go if you like. No one says no to a pregnant woman".

"No. No of course not. It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine between us".

"Well can you at least take a breather and possibly a drink. You look like you need a moment". Jeanie said walking away and shaking her head at her friend's stubbornness.

Sherri, on the other hand, couldn't believe her luck. Ever since yesterday Sherri has been trying to find an excuse to text or call Teri, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. For reasons that she couldn't quite figure out she has had this huge desire to see and talk to Teri and should couldn't figure out why. Not to mention that Teri looked stunning. She had on her white flowing summer dress that had splotches of blue with her hair out and wavy. Sherri found herself smiling at how they seemed to coordinate.

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