SeleneLihnBlackburn-Kaito yeah, shoot.

WinterHayleBlackburn why do you still have Kaito for one of your last names, and not Darnell?

SeleneLihnBlackburn-Kaito ugh, fine,

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarenell-Kaito happy crazy?

WinterHayleBlackburn you forgot Kaito.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarenell-Kaito no

IkoTheAmazingAndroid okay, okay break it up. I can assure you Selene has Kai *sighs* and a cane in her room. I would suggest you stay on her good side.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito are you hitting on my man?

IkoTheAmazingAndroid maybe. *smiles*

ThorneTheIdiotCadet fight fight fight fight.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarenell-Kaito THORNE!!!!!!

ThorneTheIdiotCadet *watches as cane flies through window, then logs off group chat*

ScarletBenoitKesley *whistles, then holds up sigh that has the number ten written on it*

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito you wanna be next?

CressSoonToBeThorne sure, just try to get it in the same hole as before.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito okay.

PeonyLihnBlackburn please don't challenge her Cress. Were talking to someone who was dying and managed a killing shot. I would not test her abilities.

CressSoonToBeThorne BUT WHY????????????????

PeonyLihnBlackburn Scarlet?

ScarletBenoitKesley BECAUSE SHE SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!

CressSoonToBeThorne *whispers* oh, okay

ScarletBenoitKesley goodbye everyone. We have an appointment for the baby. Cross your fingers.

SeleneLihnBlackburnDarnell-Kaito *crosses fingers* okay. While were on that topic, I'm taking my first ride on my new wheelchair today. Wish me luck. Goodbye everyone!!

End of Comm Link

Selene tossed the port on the bed as Kai looked at her adoringly. She was so cute whenever she threatened Thorne. Especially when she carried out those threats.

Selene looked at Kai as he stared into space.
Must've been on the group chat, Selene thought as the doctor came in. He pulled the wheelchair from the corner of the room, and unfolds it. He sets it up, and goes over to the bedside. "Ready?" Selene nodded her head.

"On the count of three. One. Two. Three." Kai said as he and the doctor moved Selene onto the wheelchair. Even with the simple action, came searing pain. Selene hissed in pain as they set her down. Kai adjusted the pillow behind her back, as she settled into her new ride for the next few months. Kai laughed as she wiped a bead of sweat off of her face, and by nature, got grease on herself. He laughed as he took a cloth, and wiped it off.

"Reminds me of when I first met you." He said, chuckling. If Selene could blush, she would be the color of the ripest tomato in the Kesley's garden. At this thought, Selene thought of Wolf eating her, and she got the thought out of her mind.

Kai led her through the huge doors that led them out of the Research wing of the palace. Seems like so long ago since I was here last, Selene thought, laughing to herself.

As they exited the palace, the bright sun nearly blinded her. But it wasn't the bright sun that surprised her the most. It was the huge amount of people on the lawn celebrating her safe return from surgery. There was a huge cake, with all of her friends standing by it. This is going to be the best recovery EVER. Selene thought to herself as she joined in the party.


I Love You to the Moon and Back (A Kaider Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now