Fated Run-Over

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It was a warm day in spring. The sun was out, not a cloud in sight, and the trees began to shower the town with falling blossoms. While many could enjoy the warm sunlight and the cool breeze, Lucy was cooped up in a stuffy classroom desperately fanning herself with paperwork lying around her desk. It was horrendous. She had all the windows open, her desk fan on and the door wide open to let the draft from the corridor in but she was still dying of heat. The school's heating was stuck on all the time and they were waiting for someone to fix it. However, that meant that many people would become a sweating mess during the day.

Lucy hated being stuck marking while she felt like she was in a bath house. It was just stressful. However, she only had a few more piles to mark and then she could leave. The mere thought of fresh air fuelled her desire and she continued her work with a smirk. As she did her work, a knock came from her door before a deep voice spoke.
"You look like you're going to melt in this heatwave." Lucy glanced up at the familiar intruder.
"Speak for yourself, Gray. You've already stripped down." Lucy said with a smirk as she turned her attention from her work to the Chemistry teacher.
"Shit!" Gray proclaimed as he looked down to find himself only in his pink boxers. Lucy couldn't help but snicker. He is certainly a manly man wearing pink.

"Don't worry. You probably left them in your class or in the hall. But maybe find them before she gets to them." Lucy commented. One of the PE teachers was obsessed with Gray, on a slightly stalkerish level, and if she found his clothes just lying around, he'd never see them again.
"Like I care. I've got more at home." Gray rolled his eyes at the thought of his stalker.
"Oh, I forgot. You're quite the fashionista, aren't you? A different outfit everyday and a closet full of clothes that anyone would love to wear." Lucy mocked playfully, a smug smile creeping onto her lips.
"Hey! I have better taste in fashion than half these teachers here." Gray replied with a slight huff.
"Yeah, I can see that. Hey, you never wear that shirt anymore. I'm sure that Juvia would love to see you wear it." Lucy smirked as she thought of the t-shirt he was given one Christmas from a friend.
"Hah, very funny." Gray huffed as he crossed his arms. At this point Lucy was desperately trying to contain her laughter.

"I'm sorry Gray, but that shirt just looked fabulous on you." Lucy struggled to say her sentence without giggling like a child.
"You're almost as bad as some of the kids I have to teach." Gray remarked. Lucy managed to calm herself enough to be able to talk again.
"So what brings you down to this end of the school?" Lucy asked.
"Well, I originally came up to give you this," Gray began as he walked toward her desk and lay a thick book on her desk. It was slightly dusty but she could read the book cover.
"Wait, you managed to find it?!" Lucy gasped in disbelief. She had searched every library within Magnolia for this book.
"It seemed that this charity shop was given it a while back by an old man. They were going to throw it before I came in and bought it." Gray explained as he sat on the table in front of her desk.
"Gray, you're the best! I thought I'd never find it." Lucy exclaimed as she held the book in her hand.

"Don't mention it. The other reason I came up was to see if you'd like to get some ice cream once your done?" Gray asked. The thought of the cold dessert sparked delight within Lucy.
"That'd be fantastic. I should be done in maybe ten minutes so I suggest you go look for your clothes and get ready to leave while you wait.
"Whatever. I'll be back in ten then." Gray said as he stood from the table and headed towards the door.
"And Gray. Try to keep your boxers on until you find your clothes, 'kay." Lucy smirked as he got to the door.
"Can't make any promises." Gray replied before leaving the classroom. Lucy laughed to herself before going back to work. Once she would get home, she'd start reading that book.

Lucy hurried to finish and got ready to leave. Once she had locked up the classroom, she met up with a fully clothed Gray in the cafeteria before they checked out and headed for ice cream. Once both had gotten their ice creams and had devoured them, they parted ways at the bus stop as Gray ran for his bus that was waiting at the bus stop. Lucy waved to him on the bus as it left before continuing down the street and towards home.
"I can't wait to go home and soak in the bath. Maybe I'll start reading it then." Lucy hummed to herself as she merrily made her way down the street. It was such a lovely day and she enjoyed being out in it. Lucy sighed contently as she felt the cool breeze across her face. Life is great.

Lucy was suddenly ran over by something and crashed to the ground with a yelp. Lucy groaned as she tried to put together what had suddenly happened when she discovered someone on the ground beside her.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Lucy barked at the man. He turned his head towards her but looked past her. She noticed the most strangest thing she had ever seen, well it was unnoticeable. He had pink hair. She was slightly baffled by the unnatural colour before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.
"Come with me." The strange man ordered before he pulled her along behind him. Lucy tried to fight for her hand back but his grip was unbreakable.
"Let go of me! I will scream bloody murder if you don't let me go this instant-" Lucy protested before she ran straight into his back.
"Hey, don't just stop like that! That hurts, you know!" Lucy barked at the man before she was pulled into an alley way. Lucy began to fear for her life. Was she being kidnapped? Was she going to get raped? The man suddenly dragged her down behind a large bin.
"Let go of me, you cree-" The man put his hand over her mouth to silence her as he looked out past the bin. Lucy began to hit the man as hard as she could and protest as loud as she could muster, which turned into a few muffled shouts.

"Will you shut up for two seconds, blondie!" The man ordered in a hushed voice. Blondie?! How rude! Lucy was about to protest again before the man held her close to him and placed a finger on his lips. Seconds later, screams and shrieks of delight ran past the alley opening as it sounded like a herd of elephants went by. Lucy went quiet as she heard the chaos outside the alley and obliged with the man's requests. Once the madness outside the alley had calmed and the screams were gone, the man let out a sigh and dropped his hand from Lucy's mouth. Lucy took this opportunity to get out from the man's grasps and kick him.
"What the fuck was all that for?! Who are you, you creep?!" Lucy demanded as the man held his gut and whined in pain.
"Ow, what was that for?" The man insisted, his voice cracking slightly.
"Answer my questions first! Who are you and what just happened?" Lucy demanded, leaning over the man intimidatingly.
"I just saved you from being run over by fan girls and that's the thanks I get? God, don't you have any manners?" The man insisted as he slowly straighten up with help from the bin behind him.
"Save me? You tried to suffocate me! Who the fuck are you?" Lucy protested angrily.

"Wait. You don't know who I am?" The man asked, his expression confused.
"Why would I know who you are?" Lucy insisted. The man suddenly let out a sigh of relief before he held out his hand.
"The name's Natsu. What's your name, blondie?" The man addressed as Natsu asked with a bright smile.
"For starter's, it's not blondie. It's Lucy." Lucy replied sternly before she cautiously shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Loopy." Natsu smiled as he shook her hand.
"That isn't my name either!" Lucy protested.
"Sorry to have dragged you into all of that. Crazy fan girls are... crazy." Natsu apologised sheepishly.
"So... Are you someone famous?" Lucy asked. Why else would he have 'fan girls'?
"Yeah, you could say that." Natsu replied as he stuffed his hand in his jean pockets.
"You don't look like any famous person I've ever seen." Lucy said as she looked the man up and down. In her opinion, he looked like a gang member.
"Don't sweat it too much. Only a few people know me." Natsu replied with a childish smile.

"Oh okay... Well, I think I'm going to go. It was lovely to meet you." Lucy said as she made her escape towards the opening to the street.
"Hey, how about I walk you home?" Natsu suggested.
"No." Lucy said bluntly.
"Why not?" Natsu asked.
"Because I don't want someone I just met who dragged me down an alley to know where I live." Lucy replied. How stupid is this guy?
"Oh. Then where do you work?" Natsu asked, his eagerness never wavering.
"Why would I tell you that? Anyway, I'll maybe see you around." Lucy said before she again tried to escape out of the alley.
"Okay, see you later Blondie!" Natsu replied with a bright smile. Lucy hurried out the alley and practically ran home. I don't want THAT guy to follow me. Once home, Lucy let out a sigh and headed for a bath. Good god. I hope to never see him again.

(Author's Note)

Hey. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be out sometime soon so stay updated! Alright, thank you for reading and enjoy the story.

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