Unfortunately, I found Seth first. He was sitting like a total loner and reading underneath a tree in the middle of the quad. I dropped down in the grass next to him and looked over his shoulder, peeking at what he was reading. Greek Mythology and Sagas.

"They actually got some stuff right," I said, scaring the ever living shit out of him. He fell over dropping his book in the grass.

I was wondering whether I needed to find another Watcher who wasn't going to freak out every time I showed up or if I needed to grow the patience of Buddha himself, when Seth finally calmed down.

"Please don't startle me again, dude," he muttered and picked up his book again, trying to find the right page.

I muttered a 'whatever' and slouched back against the trunk of the tree.

"Got bored of the old look?" Seth asked without taking his eyes off the pages in his book.

"Yeah." I didn't wanna explain this to him. I really didn't.

He didn't ask further. He just kept reading. Apparently that was all the information he needed. It was... Kind of refreshing, actually.

I looked over the quad at the different groups of people sitting on the grass. College had changed a lot during the last decades.

When I first came to America there wasn't even one college. People already educated in other countries came here to settle. The pilgrims had been fun, but I preferred the Natives. They had been friendly to all the non-mortals finding their way here. Maybe that was why Seth looked so familiar. I had had so many Native friends back in the day and he could easily pass as one of them.

And boy did they know how to party!

"So you ever go to any parties?" I asked while eye-fucking a nice little redhead across the lawn.

"Not really," Seth said, following my gaze.

"Then we'll go to one tonight. I think I saw some flyers around somewhere."

Seth started chewing on his bottom lip, looking kind of like... Nope. Back to undressing the redhead in my head. She finally looked up and smiled at me. I gave her a crooked one back.

"I think I found a name for you," Seth said, changing the subject in an annoying way. "Saga."

"You've got to be kidding me," I murmured, not really focusing on Seth.

"What? It's an actual name."

"Yeah, for a girl, mate. I am not a girl." I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled again at the redhead. She rose, made her way across the lawn and stopped in front of us.

"Uhm, hi. Wanna come to a party tonight?" she asked with this cute southern twang. She handed me a pink flyer with the words Beta Gamma Tau on it.

"Sure, we'll be there," I said with this mysterious sexy voice of somebody from this really stupid chick's series about vampires. She looked over at Seth and her smile paled a bit. It came back 100% when she looked back at me.

"Great, see you guys there." She twirled around on her heels swinging her hips back and forth as she walked back to her friends.

"So, Saga."

"I said no to that name." I folded the flyer neatly, stuffed it in my pocket and closed my eyes, letting the sun heat up my cheeks.

Seth didn't even skip a beat when he continued his question as if I hadn't interrupted him. "What kind of god are you?"

"The bad-ass kind," I said with a wry grin and opened one eye to see his reaction. Seth didn't look impressed. "You won't find anything about me in any of those though." I nodded towards the rather impressive library he was carrying around in his bag. Why would he even take out that many books? From what I could see, the red brick building with huge gold lettering over the double doors saying "Library" was big enough to host his scrawny body. He didn't really have to bring the entire library out on the lawns surrounding the building.

"Just let me get this straight... You're a god, but not as in God God. Just a god."

I made a humph sound, but he just continued.

"And angels are real."

"And all bastards," I added.

"And you're not a girl or a boy... And I'm a Watcher...?"

"You're really clever, have you considered going to college?" I asked sarcastically. Seth just frowned at me but didn't look discouraged.

"So why are you hiding?"

I rolled my eyes. "You are one curious little creeper aren't you?"


"I am running out of words for Watcher, give me a break."

Seth actually smiled at that one. He had a nice smile. One of those with dimples involved. He repeated the question.

"Well, it's a really long story. And we should really get going. Buy booze and shit."

"I am not twenty-one..."

"Hah, don't worry your almost-mortal little brain. I have this great ability to convince liquor store clerks to give me whatever I want."

I rolled to my feet and grabbed Seth by the arm and dragged him to his feet. He groaned, picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

Watcher (The Saga 1)Where stories live. Discover now