"Her? We're having a little girl?!" He replied, ecstatically. His brain glitched and erased everything she'd said before that.

Diana took a deep breath, turning her head away from her young lover.

He jumped out of his rolling chair. "Diane, this is great!"

She shot up right along with him.

"Michael, do you hear yourself?" She exclaimed. "Great? Great? How is this great?"

Michael tilted his confused head to the side.

"I- I just mean that- I mean I've always wanted to have a family. Be a dad-"

"Be a dad, Michael? What are you talking about? There's no being a dad!" Diana shouted. "I have three kids! I'm forty one years old- I'm done!"

Michael's face dropped. "Done? What does that mean Di-"

"It means we can't have a baby, Michael! You're not ready and I couldn't handle it!"

Michael sucked in a breath.

"Plus, do you know what could happen to me or the baby at my age? She could die, Michael!" Diana explained.

Michael lowered himself back into his chair, covering the embarrassment on his face with his jacket collar.

"But she won't." He murmured. "If you just give her a chance."

He could feel Diana's disapproval.

"Michael, I'm not doing this with you today." She retorted.

"I'm just saying." He said, nearly whimpering under his collar.

She gripped his jaw and lifted his chin.

"Don't start that, Michael." She said, trying to be stern but her empathy too strong to do anything but soften her approach.

"But, this is the best thing you could've told me. I can't let you get rid of her."

"It's my body." She reminded.

"But it's my baby. I love her, Diana, I really do." He replied, in an almost begging tone.

"How do you love her and you haven't even met her?"

He threw his hands up in frustration. "I don't know! Stop asking me all these questions! I just- I know I do. I want us to keep her. Give her a good family. A mommy, a daddy, three beautiful big sisters to look up to."

Diana searched the room for anything but his pleading eyes.

Michael leaned back to get a good look at her--his eyes travelling from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. She looked amazing, even in a simple t-shirt and jeans. By contrast, he sported an elaborate black and gold jacket, atop his black button down polo-style shirt and form-fitting black jeans. It was probably the first time he was the one overdressed.

His eyes kept landing dead on her stomach, noticing a very tiny bump. It wasn't enough for anyone else to truly notice--especially under her bulkier-than-usual clothes, but it served a distinction from a beer-belly. And it's not like he hadn't noticed a little glow in her lately, but with both of them busy with work he didn't think anything of it.

He rolled close to her, pulling her body in toward him. He placed his hands on her shapely bottom, squeezing her into a hug.

She sighed. "Michael, don't-"

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