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I want you to accept me as my mate??? I want you to say the words and after I save you sister, I want you to mark me as your mate.... tell are you ok with it....   (she asked and I am stunned)


Ethan POV

That vampire wants me to accept her as my mate... how could I??? I hate her kind then how will I accept her as my mate???   (My wolf is growling in my head and shouting at me to accept her as my mate... for my sister I will do anything so I will accept this vampire as my mate but only as my mate and I will mate with her but I won't love her, not in this life... but my wolf love her because she is his mate too but I won't lover never)

Ok I will accept you as my mate, just come and save my sister immediately...   (I said, she smiled brightly at me and nodded her head)

What's your name???   (I asked her name then only I can accept her properly)

Amelia rocksword is my name...  (she said, what a peculiar name)

"I Ethan Storm accept Amelia Rocksword as my mate and my pack's Luna".   (I said those words and my wolf howled in joy and I saw her smiling with happy tears in her eyes)

I Amelia Rocksword accept Ethan Storm as my mate and soon to be the king of vampires...  (she said making my wolf jump in double joy)

Now shall we go and I will take you where my sister is... so you can save her ok...   (I said she nodded wiping her tears)

(We went into the infirmary and saw my sister is in hospital bed and I got tears in my eyes... I can't control my emotions... suddenly someone wrapped their arms around me to comfort me I opened my eyes to see Amelia hugging me... I jerked her away immediately and I saw her eyes it showed sadness and hurt but she immediately hide it and smiled at me... she went near my sister and she kept her hand in my sister's forehead and she started to chant something in a language I couldn't understand... then opened her eyes and her eyes were twinkling red and I saw my sister slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she smiled at me... I ran to her and hugged her and she hugged me back... but she tightened her grip around me so I part away from her to see what happened... she was looking Amelia with fear... so I rubbed her back and I started to tell her everything)

Amelia this is my sister Mia and Mia this is my ...... mate Amelia... Mia she saved you...when you were  not able to gain your consciousness she healed you and saved you...   (I finished my story and saw my sister's reaction... she smiled brightly and hugged Amelia... she stiffened at first but then she relaxed and hugged my sister back... but now I have to talk to Amelia... so I told my sister to take rest and went to my pack house with Amelia... everyone in my pack glared Amelia because they smelled her and knew she is a vampire immediately I growled and everyone bow their head in respect... I entered my room pulled Amelia inside and locked my room... I turned to see her but she avoided my gaze)

Amelia I will mark you now and today evening  i will introduce you to my pack as my mate and their Luna and I will finish my mating process tonight.... (she smiled shyly at me)  but I will never love you like a mate loves... I will have sex with you but I won't make love to you... you won by blackmailing me but you will never win my heart ever...   ( I finished and saw her standing numb)

Are you in love with someone else...  (she asked making me look at her are you serious)

No... I don't love anyone... never was and never will because I always believe in mates so I saved myself for my mate who I will love unconditionally and cherish her till my lifetime but I didn't know I will hate her to the core...   (with that I went near her and started kissing her neck and found her sweet spot where my mark will take place permanently and show everyone that she is mine... dear mother I don't know why you choose her as my mate, I don't know if I could accept her fully but I trust you mother I know you will always think good for us... I bite her in the sweet spot making her scream and then it changed into moan and I licked the wound to heal it and I saw her, she fainted in my arms... I lift her in my arms and placed her in my bed and went out closed the door and ran into the woods in wolf form and howled to the sky and called my mother... I want to speak to her and I want some answers... she came down as a light and changed into a beautiful women... my mother the moon goddess saw me and smiled teasingly...)

Someone found their mate... oh my son grown up very well... now tell me son why did you call me???

Mother... why did you chose a vampire as my mate???

Son a mate is your other half so you can't question me but I will tell you one thing I am doing everything for your good so never think wrong about me...

Mother I will never think wrong about you and I trust you so I am sorry mother...

Ethan you are not a normal wolf... you are the Moon Goddess son and you have to achieve great things and you have to face many problems and don't show your identity to anyone not even your mate till the time comes... farewell son...

Farewell mother....

With that my mother went and I ran back to the pack house... to see every warrior surrounded Amelia and bare their fangs and Amelia looks scared... it made my wolf rage....

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