Draco didn't answer. Sweat crawled down his neck and back, soaking through his thin t-shirt. His hands kept shaking, and he clutched them tightly to his chest to try to make them stop.

"Really? Here?" Potter said, his footsteps stopping outside the hallway entrance.

Draco opened one eye and glared up at Potter. "You have a guest room I don't know about?" he asked, his voice cracking and rough.

Potter's eyes narrowed, and he moved closer, kneeling down beside the mattress, "You look like shit."

"And now you're stealing my lines," Draco muttered.

"Do you need to go to St. Mungo's?" Potter asked, hovering close like he wanted to check on Draco whilst also trying not to touch him.

Draco shrugged one shoulder. He had gone too long without alcohol before but always managed to get a drink before it got this bad.

"...You're going through withdrawal, I think," Potter said.

"Genius deduction, Auror Potter, they teach you that in auror school?" Draco muttered.

Potter sighed, "Why are you so difficult?"

"I'm not difficult; you're a moron," Draco said.

"Get up," Potter said.

Draco considered this and decided that was the last thing on earth he wanted to do, right after moving and breathing and existing.

"Get up," Potter repeated, "I'm taking you to Mungo's."

"No," Draco said, trying to squeeze himself into an even tighter ball.

Potter sighed in frustration, "I could make you, you know."

"You can't save me against my will; that breaks the bargain," Draco said.

Potter scrubbed a hand through his hair with a muttered, "fuck" under his breath.

"Shouldn't have promised me whatever I wanted," Draco said, almost laughing and then shuddering and taking a deep breath, hissing it out through his teeth as his stomach lurched.

"You know they probably have some sort of potion to help with all this, right?" Potter said.

Draco didn't respond.

"You can't like feeling this sick. You never had a tolerance for much of any sort of pain in school, or discomfort for that matter. Or inconvenience," Potter said.

"I learned," Draco said.

"For spite, though-" Potter said thoughtfully.

Draco smiled faintly.

"-I can imagine you doing quite a bit out of spite." Potter sighed, "So what do you want?"

"Not this," Draco muttered.

"This what?"

"This everything," Draco said, glaring half-heartedly at Potter.

Potter almost laughed but just managed to catch himself. "Malfoy, if you want this to be less shitty, you're going to have to go to St Mungo's."

Draco turned his face into the mattress. He could just imagine how they would look at him, how he would be treated by the healers there.

Potter shifted his weight, a floorboard under his feet squeaking in protest.

"Come on, Malfoy," Potter said, "Want me to carry you like a princess?"

Draco huffed a faint laugh, "Damseling me again, Potter?"

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