Chapter 18

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Since it was still late afternoon, the two of you decided to spend some time together before your friend needed to leave. Obviously you couldn't do much here, because none of you wanted to bother Dr. Fletcher, so you started simply talking instead. Of course since you still were with a child, you had to face with the fact that he got bored pretty soon. So for bringing up his excitement again, you came up with the idea of playing some games. This escalated quickly and before you could notice it, the two of you were roleplaying as pirates, leading an imaginary boat while pretending to attack another ship in the ocean.

It was basically Hedwig's idea but you came around since it was no harm acting like a child again for a while and... well, you didn't want to admit but you felt being reassured now that the boy was nearby. Deep inside you desperately wanted to be with someone who you felt safe around. Because.. that hidden anxiety kept floating around you and it made you really uncomfortable. You really hoped this feeling will disappear eventually.

It might be looked weird from a stranger's sight that you and an adult man have been playing like little kids in a bedroom. Actually, before a week it would have made you embarrassed like hell, no.. you couldn't even imagine a situation like this. It would have never happened something like this with you. But now it almost felt... normal? Well of course not exactly, but it definitely didn't felt as weird as it should have had. You oddly quickly could get used to his presence, that he suffers from DID and now you can barely get surprised when suddenly someone else starts talking to you. It was such a short time, that it might have been you the one who was truly weird.

Hedwig was just about to attack an innocent merchant ship when suddenly he stopped and lump down to the bed. He started blinking confusedly while staring in front of him. You knew what was going to happen here, someone else was about to come.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to go." He said weakly "Barry keeps asking me to let him into the Light. And it's late I'm not supposed to be out either." His voice was kind of monotonous, probably because these were those things that the others had always told him: not to do this and that. Just like other parents.

Sitting down to the bed, you smiled at him sympathetically. "It's okay, it was fun playing with you. See you later!"

"Yup!" He answered with a wide grin before he closed his eyes and relaxed to let one of the others come out. His expression softened as he deeply inhaled the used air of the bedroom. As soon as he opened his eyes and got to see you, a gentle smile appeared on his face. "Oh, it is you again!" His voice was familiar but you weren't sure who could it be, so just discreetly smiled back. He noticed your confusedness, so politely he reached out his hand towards you. "I haven't had the opinion for a proper introduction yet. My name is Barry, it is nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, Barry" you shook his hand kindly "How comes that you're in the Light now?"

"Oh, that is.." after letting your hand he scratched his head with a giggle "I would have liked to talk to Dr.Fletcher about something."

"She's in the other room" you pointed towards the door. "And is most likely reading something."

"Alright, thank you!" He got up from the bed but a sudden realization hit him. With a sheepish smile, he turned back to you "By the way.."

"Yeah?" You were just about to get up from the bed as well, but this made you stop. You looked at him with high curiosity.

"Did I intervene something?"

Blush went through your whole face, heating it up as you got what he's just said. "Oh nonono!" You rose up your hands in protest. It was indeed weird in a stranger's eyesight that you played here with Hedwig "No it's just.. we were playing some roleplay and.. uhm" he frowned to your messed up explanation but then started giggling when he saw that you became more and more embarrassed because of the situation.

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