Chapter 3

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You quickly lifted up your head after hearing the sudden loud calling. It was Hedwig who was crouching near you looking at you with concerned eyes.

"Oh.. Hedwig.. would you want anything?"

"You didn't answer me when I called you." He said quietly. "I-I didn't want interrupt you or something though.."

"No, it's fine. Not that I could keep you out or something anyway, am I right?" You gave him a bitter smile.

The guy didn't answer but he was staring at your eyes which made you a bit nervous. "Why did you cry? I see you were crying." He said after a minute of staring.

You swallowed uneasily. "I didn't cry, I don't know what are you talking about." For making this more believeable you sheepishly shake you head.

"But your eyes are red. Don't lie to me, I'm not stupid!" He snapped with a grimace and you couldn't help but smile. If you ignored his appearance, you couldn't see anyone else but a nine-year-old boy.

"You got me Hedwig, you're really a clever boy." You said wiping off the remained tears from your eyes.

"So why did you cry?" He asked after hopping next to you onto the floor. He leaned his back onto the bed and embraced his knees just like you did.

"It's really nothing, I just.." you sighed as you were thinking about how could you tell a nine-year-old that if you keep staying in this place you will most likely be murdered soon. Although.. you didn't even have to tell him because he already knew. "I'm homesick you know."

"Ooooh" he opened his mouth during the realization "Well don't worry! I'll come frequently and you can play with me! And if you're not lonely anymore, you won't be homesick either!" He grinned in honest joy. You felt bad again for lying to him, but.. honestly, what could you do? Ask him to let you out? It wasn't the right time. "I wanted to have a friend for a long time, but Mr. Dennis and Barry didn't let me. They wanted to be alone for a while and they just ignored me." He crossed his arms huffily. "B-but!" You felt him grabbing your arm as he exclaimed. "We can be friends! And we can have fun together, at least until we can!" It gave you a hard time to understand how could a nine-year-old referring to your death so easily. He was basically grinning while telling you that you're gonna likely die soon.

Suddenly though his expression changed for a second, he was staring in front of him blankly like someone has turned off a switch in his head. But right after it, he looked at you blinking a few. "Ah sorry I have to go, Mr. Dennis wants to be in the Light." He said finally with a sheepish smile. "See you later then!" After it, Hedwig stood up and went to the door. He waved before he closed the door leaving you in the darkness.

You went to the lamp and turn it on, then sat down onto the bed. Actually onto Your bed since apparently, you lived here. You couldn't hope in any sort of help soon anyway.
You sighed. Hedwig seemed to be innocent, well at least on his own. You started to figure out the relationships between those personalities. That Dennis must have been the leader, the creator of this horrible plan, then there was Patricia, who seemed to be nice, but.. you didn't trust her at all. You could have bet that she's on Dennis' side. And Hedwig.. you assumed that he's just there and he listens to the others. The odd of him being any sort of leader was very low. He was just a nine-year-old after all. Also, you didn't know anything about this "Light" thing either.. Thinking about what Hedwig said, you could only think that whoever used this "Light", was be able to use the body. So many questions were gathering in your head. Were there more individuals? Who was the original one, and why did the others appear? You didn't hope to get answers though, but it was interesting to think about it anyway.

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