Chapter 2

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A muffled conversation made you wake up. After you had calmed down, you had decided to take a rest. Too many things have happened recently, you just couldn't take them. You just wanted to forget everything for now.

In your dream, you had been a child again, and you had been eating with your dad and uncle in that restaurant where you three used to go together. It gave you a nostalgic feeling which quickly turned into disappointment when you saw the white ceiling above you again.

You slowly sat up and went to the steel door looking through its keyhole. You were curious who this man was talking to. Maybe you could get some information by them.

"We don't have much time" - you heard the gentle voice. "Do you really think it'll work?"

"It should. We had been preparing for this since months. She seems to be average, she'll be a perfect test subject."

All you could see was a woman's skirt as she was walking in her high heels. You assumed that she was talking to your keeper. And referring to their conversation, she was likely on his side. Maybe though.. you could somehow persuade her to help you. It was a low chance, but.. maybe worth a try.

"Is she in this room right?" As she asked, you saw her coming closer to your door. You rushed back to the bed, embracing your knees not taking your eyes off the door. Right after you settled down, the door slowly opened, and as the figure came in, your eyes widened in surprise and fear. The woman was actually your keeper, wearing woman's dress.

"Oh, here you are Sweetheart." His voice was gentle, and his behavior was not even close to his previous one. It was like.. someone else was in his body right now.  "I just wanted to check if you're really capable for this experiment." He continued it as he was coming closer to you. "You look scared.. but don't worry, he won't hurt you." After a sigh, he looked calmly in your eyes. "You don't even know how important you are."

"What do you mean by it? Why am I so important?" You asked shakily.

"It's not the right time now. I have to go because we still have some unfinished business." He went back to the door, grabbing its handle "Be good, won't you?" And he left you alone closing the door.

You didn't dare to move. It was.. weird. Really weird. He was actually talking about himself, after making up a completed conversation. He must have like a personality disorder, or something like that... But well, to be honest, the fact that he told you scared you more. What the hell is he or they planning? Why are you so important?? 

The possibilities were terrifying.

You laid down onto your bed with a big sigh. This is how it is then... It didn't seem like you have any chance to escape. The only occasions when this door opened were when your keeper came in. Also.. what was up with him? That guy.. he wanted you to dance, does he think you're a toy or something like that? Thinking about him made you upset, so you just wanted to think about something else. But to be honest, this whole room reminded you to him. So you just closed your eyes and forced yourself to take a nap again.

It seemed like taking a nap is the only escape from this hell...


The loud squeak of the steel door has woken you up. It was dark in the room, probably the guy had turned off the lights when he'd seen that you were sleeping. The silly thought he may have been watching you during your sleep made your heart race a bit. But you quickly shushed these upsetting thoughts and turned to your other side.

A bright line of light showing through the room has caught your attention. And there was a shadow in the middle of it.

You quickly sat up after finding out its resource, it was your keeper sitting cross-legged, leaning against the door's frame. A creepy weird smile was settling on his face as he was constantly staring at you. His aura was different, not like before.

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