I was soooooo tired and my body hurt... Most definitely I was the current definition of exhausted.

I glanced over and Carter had a towel around his waist as he sat on the end of the bed, fidgeting with his watch.

Infront of him laid our grey matching sweat outfits.

They were so cute.

Mine had Mrs. Johnson and our wedding date and his had the same obviously except his had "Mr. Johnson".

We were about to go to LAX to catch our flight to our honeymoon. I didn't know when the flight was because he planned the whole thing but he said we needed to head out soon.

Quickly acknowledging how ridiculously sore my body was, I went to lay on the other side of the bed.

I started laughing because he was sitting on the bed for the same exact reason as I was laying on the bed in nothing but a towel.... we were exhausted from eachother 🙊

Not to mention, I still had to put makeup over all of our hickies 🤦🏽‍♀️

Carter POV
*2 Hours Later*

We were in line at security check station and we were very slowly moving. I was getting more tired by the minute so I just laid my head in my baby's neck with my arms around her.

I finally told her where we were going and she almost cried but excitement took over.

We are having our honeymoon in a foreign spot. We're going to Bora Bora.

I've been thinking about Tahiti, Bora Bora and Greece but I couldn't decide so we're going to Bora Bora for our honeymoon and the other places for regular vacations.

I knew she would love it because she likes deserted areas, open water and scenery so beautiful Bora Bora huts were the perfect place.

I was ecstatic and overjoyed. I couldn't wait to experience this new life with her... I thanked God every single day 😌

I breathed out after breathing in my wife's perfume before thinking how this flight was no joke. It's gonna take forever to get there but it's totally worth it.

My thoughts were cut off by the ladies who were doing pat downs.

We had to take our zip-up jackets off and shoes, leaving me in a wife beater and socks with my wife in basically the same.

Shay was still taking the stuff out of her pockets so she told me to go first.

I stepped where the lady asked me to and spread my legs a little before putting my arms out.

As soon as she touched me, I knew what she was trying to do.

I rolled my eyes and quickly grew irritated. This has happened to me before numerous times.

She ran her fingers over my arms very slowly and gripped my triceps before she ran her hands down my chest from the back.

"Can you speed this up?" I asked.

She didn't respond.

"Oh can you make sure there's nothing in my HANDS!!" I mocked, putting my left hand in her face, flashing my marriage band to her.

I turned around in the same position except this time, facing my wife while this lady slowly traveled her hands up my leg.

Her hand was slowly about to approach my dick on purpose while she looked at my wife.

I instantly moved out of her reach.

"This lady is touching too close to my private areas. I know it's procedure but this officer clearly doesn't know the maneuver of touching the back and front of the leg appropriately. Can I have another officer physically search me?" I blandly asked with my voice extra loud so everybody could hear me. "I'm minding my own business with my wife and this officer is blaintly trying to touch areas that don't need to be touched by anybody except my fuckin wife" I said irritated.

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