The words floated tensely in the air. All the elves that occupied the warm room seemed lost in them, minds working quickly, absorbing the new information. She remained frozen on her seat, as she had been for the entirety of the conversation. Her eyes were kept locked in the grey pair that seemed to scrutinize her very soul. Her mind was racing, if either because of new questions or fear, she did not know, but the rest of her body seemed to have deserted her, not responding to her anxious mind.

She could hear the ring and see it gracefully glowing upon the Elf-Lords right hand. And yet she had not imagined that the fascinating jewel could hold a connection to her mind, a thread that therefore also linked her to Elrond's mind. So that was the reason why he had been able to speak into her head a couple of hours ago. It was because of that link between their minds, but they were not directly linked. It was a chain, and the piece that enabled the connection, that allowed for the sharing of images and words, sat elegantly on Lord Elrond's third finger.

"That explains how they got so close to the Valley" Elrohir's voice broke the silence like shattering glass. His eyes travelling quickly form his brother to his father and to Glorfindel, as if not sure if any of them could answer his question.

"A blind spot" whispered Elladan and she turned her yes to look into his face but his serious and worried expression on his handsome features gave her little comfort.

"This is not a coincidence." She saw Elrohir lower his eyes to his lap, frustration clearly reflected on his face. "Three groups of orcs behaving that way and managing to get this close to the borders completely out your sight, is not a coincidence"

"They remind me of..."Elladan's slow voice trailed of as he exchanged a look with his twin, equal pairs of silver eyes looking puzzled and concerned at the same time.

"Of the group we encountered while on our trip. When we found Elerrina. It is not the usual behavior. They must be acting under guidance."

Elrohir finished his twin's sentence, looking directly at his father. The Elf-Lords brow was furrowed deep in thought and if he had any opinion about the matter he kept it quiet for the moment.

"Then, whoever or whatever it is that is guiding them knows about your powers. They must know about it to be able to create blind spots. Although I still do not comprehend how this is possible" She saw Elladan hold his head in his hands in a clear act of frustration.

"Did they see you?" Glorfindel's eyes dance from her to Elladan as he voiced the question. "Did any of the orcs see you? Or do they still believe they run unseen?"

"No. They did not see us" Answered Elladan lifting his head to look at the golden haired warrior.

"Good. They were not counting that she would work as our window. I could have a patrol ready to part by the morning if you whish so, my Lord"

Glorfindel was looking at Elrond, waiting for the Lord of Imladris to decide what should be done. His serious gaze held a glint of pain as he watched upon the dark haired elf, almost as if he regretted the inevitable pressure that now fell on his friend's shoulders.

"Should we attack fist?" said Elrohir from her right.

"No." The Elf-Lord's firm reply made all pairs of eyes turn directly towards him, expectant. "That would be foolish. We do not know their number, nor do we know their intentions. We will play it as if we had not seen them, if an ambush into valley is in their minds, it will work to our advantage if they believe we are unprepared. However, we do not know if this is the case, perhaps they travel somewhere else"

"No orc ventures so close to an elven realm while travelling! Are you going to do nothing while they prepare to attack?" Said Elladan suddenly, his voice agitated with anxiousness as he jumped from the seat's arm.

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