Chapter 3

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                                                                     Chapter 3

Harry's P.O.V

After the game I sat there already changed waiting for Liam so we could go to our next class together. But after a few minutes Louis came up to me and told me how well I did which shocked me since usually everyone just avoids me and never talks to me unless they have something horrible to say to me. I smiled an actually said something to him. Oh god I talked to him! I finally talked to my crush of freakin' 3 years. I smiled at him and smiled back at me. He then asked me if I would like to walk with him to class when he saw me looking around for Liam. I nodded and got up and walked with him. He smiled and walked to class with me and sat down beside me.

"So Harry what do you normally do for fun?"

"O..Oh uh nothing much really I just uhh hang out with um Liam and work."

"where to you work?"

"A b..bakery downtown."

"ohh well I will just have to visit you there"

I smiled and the rest of the class just contained him making me giggle or smile or even blush. But once Liam came in he started giving me weird looks. Most likely questioning why I was talking with him or why he was talking with me. After class ended Liam came up to me.

"Why was Tomlinson talking to you? I mean no offense but still."

"I honestly couldn't give you an answer."

"Well be careful ok. I don't want you to get hurt ok."

"Yeah but Liam could I maybe tell you something?"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

I looked around as we were walking to the history room. Just to make sure no one was there and I sighed deep and heavy.

"OK so Liam I really don't want you to get upset but I really like Louis..."

"Wait what do you mean you like him. Like like like. Or just like."

"I mean like like."

"Oh god ok well just be careful and if he hurts you I want you to come straight to me ok."

"yeah but I really doubt he likes me back. All I do is stutter around him. I just can't help it though and it's so annoying."

" Yeah come on lets go eat"


We were about to walk into the history room when I bumped into some one and fell on my butt.

Louis' P.O.V

I was walking with Zayn and Niall when I bumped into someone and they fell on there ass. I was about to yell at them and tell them to watch it but when I looked down and saw a wide eyed harry. I giggled as he kept rambling and stuttering and frantically saying sorry.

"o..oh g.god I..I..I..I'm so sorry! I..I should have be..been paying a..attention!"

He was about to talk and ramble again but I cut him off with a laugh and he blushed a crimson red.

"Don't worry it's no problem really."

I smiled and helped him up and walked into class with him. We all took out seats and I sat next to Harry. I couldn't help but stare at his amazing features. His brown luscious curly hair and don't even get me started on his bright forest green eyes. Oh god I could just get lost in them. The more I stared the less I payed attention in class but it didn't really matter. This class was an easy A even for anyone who took it. I think this may be the only A I get on report cards too. But anyway I just kept staring at him when he looked over at me and saw me staring and quickly looked away blushing. I smiled and smirked at Niall and Zayn when I found that they were watching us. But the only think is I really am starting to like Harry. That isn't good this is only supposed to be a bet and nothing more then that. It can't be anymore than that. But it is and I just hope poor Harry's heart won't get majorly broken by this. I sighed as the class bell rang. I was about to turn to Harry and ask him fi he would like to join me for lunch but his friend Liam had already dragged him off. I walked to my friends and put on a fake smirk.

"Looks like you guys are gonna be my maids peasants."

"Oh shut up Louis Now come on let's go I'm starving!"

"Oh hold your horses and no now you guys will be carrying my books haha" I dropped my book on top of theirs and laughed as Niall fell over from the major weight put on him. He sent me a glare from the floor while me and Zayn laughed at him. Once he got up and we had everything I walked to the cafeteria. I scanned the room for harry and Liam as I walked to my table. I saw harry sitting with Liam in a table near the very back of the table. I sighed and put my stuff down at the table and went up and stood in line waiting for some food when Zayn nudged my shoulder.

" You keep staring at nerd boy over there. Are you ok?" I snapped out of my trance and looked back at him not even realizing that I was full blown staring at him. I blushed a little but hoped it wasn't noticeable since he couldn't know that I liked Harry. If he did find out I would surly be made fun of and that is not a good thing. But anyway I looked at him taking a moment to process what he said.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine just thinking of my next move is all."

"ohh so when are you gonna be throwing that party you've been talking about for ages"

"Soon my parents are out of town for the weekend so"

"oh ok well come on lets go sit down"

I nodded in agreement with him and walked back to our table with him watching Harry every step of the way.

The bet. *Larry stylinson love story*Where stories live. Discover now