As much as Kate-Ann and the rest of the teenage population hated to admit it summer was coming to an end.
And with it the endless days of lying around binge watching all the latest tv shows.
It's not as though she had an un-dying hatred for the academic life, she simply had better things to do.

Slowly skating along the promenade with ice cream in hand and her best friend, Rebecca in tow. This was summer.
But she knew that once the school year began she would have to start thinking and applying to colleges, or not.

She didn't have a passion like Rebecca, who was determined to be a lawyer and who knew that to reach her goal and to help others she had to work hard.
All Kate-Ann knew was that she wanted more than the beach and the small town that looked down upon it.

"Katie. Katie." Rebecca called impatiently, " have you honestly not heard a word I've been saying"

Kate-Ann knew there was no point in pretending she'd been listening, Rebecca would catch her out.
She shrugged nonchalantly and gave her best friend a small smile.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, " I was saying, that this year is it. Our last hoo-haw before college or god knows where. And that it would be stupid of us not to do something ridiculously crazy and completely extraordinary."

Ridiculously crazy and completely extraordinary we're words commonly used when describing Rebecca Commins.
Apart from being a grade A student and chairperson of every and any organisation within their high school, she was the most hard-working and perfection obsessed person you'd ever meet.
If you didn't hate her you loved her. There was no in between.

"Let me guess, there's going to be a mysterious handsome new boy about to show up and become a resident bad boy who will fall deeply in love with you," Kate-Ann called back to her friend who was no match to her penny board " And to finish it all off there will be a grand old carnival at the end of year where he will profess his love and together you will ride away into the sunset before doing it in a 5 star hotel."

"You're the one always going on about such adventures, why not make one happen?" Rebecca said coming to a stop and catching her breath.

Kate-Ann looked back at her friend, "Because the adventures I want can't happen around here."


The small town of which Kate-Ann had spent her 17 years was nothing but postcard worthy.
The small pastel houses and shops which lined the streets were something from a 60's sitcom.

So when Kate-Ann and Rebecca joined the group of teenagers in the local diner, it won't come as a shock that it was just like the rest of the town.
All in all Kate-Ann felt as though she was living on a set from Greece.

Finding a seat in a booth by the window, Rebecca decided to inform Kate-Ann on all the latest gossip.
But Rebecca only made it through the newest teen pregnancies before being interrupted by her boyfriend.

"Becca, what have we said about judging a book by its cover" Jake said before sliding in beside her.

Jake, surprisingly, wasn't the captain of the football team or any team for that matter.
He was the complete opposite of Rebecca's frantic antics.
He was chilled and laid back, he spent most days surfing with his friends and had a smile that could make the devil weak at the knees.
Needless to say they were the power couple of the century.

"Jake, please convince Katie that this year is going to be one to remember," Rebecca whined.
Because however unlike Jake and Rebecca were, they were ten times more alike when it came to romance.

"Katie, Katie, Katie" Jake said slowly "This is your final year and whether you like it or not we are going to make it an epic one."

Before Kate-Ann could muster up a snappy remark Jake's best friend and fellow heartthrob sat down beside her.

"I couldn't help overhearing that you were planning this year without me" Liam said pretending to be deeply offended.

Kate-Ann tried not to think of how close they were sitting or how his knee was brushing against hers.
But most of all she tried not to think of last spring and that night that they had never spoken of.

It had been around the time Rebecca and Jake started founding out, both Kate-Ann and Liam had felt slightly abandoned by their best friends.
And so to make a long story short, both members of the party had consumed a large quantity of alcohol and had woken up side by side, scantily clad on his sofa.
To say it had been a romantic event would have been the understatement of the century.

But neither Rebecca nor Jake were aware of the awkwardness between their best friends or the story that had caused it.

"I've been trying to convince Katie to join me in making this year the adventure she always talks of" Rebecca says, explaining to Liam their plans.

"I don't know why you're going through the effort of convincing me you and I both know that when it comes to it I won't have a say in your grand scheme" Kate-Ann says rather bluntly.

Rebecca laughs her best friend off.
"Well the start of the epic year will begin with the shack. Tonight at 8, I expect to see both of you there" Rebecca says pointedly towards Liam and Kate-Ann.

The shack was somewhat of a sanctuary for a number of the teens in the suffocating town of perfection.
Why it was called 'the shack' Kate-Ann could only guess, as both its interior and exterior were tumblr worthy.
Fairy lights strung the ceiling and with an open front on the beach it was the ideal party location.
But compared to the rest of the picture-perfect town it was comfortable in a real way.

Realising that Rebecca and Jake were leaving, and Kate-Ann unwilling to spend any longer than necessary with the boy beside her she began to make her way out of the booth.

"Katie" Liam said just as she was getting out, "We never did talk about, spring."

Kate-Ann stared at him, why was he bringing this up? Why now?
"No, I didn't think we needed to" she said quietly.

Letting out a sigh of relief, his cocky grin returning to his face Liam said "Right, what's in the past stays in the past."

And with that he walked away. Leaving Kate-Ann alone in the crowded diner.


So chapter one!!!! I know that it's all over the place but I really hoped you enjoy it and that you will continue to enjoy wherever I take this story.

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