Kate-Ann didn't like him. She didn't want to like him.
End of story.
But if she never did fall for him we wouldn't have a story.
Because Kate-Ann didn't like him. She loved him.


Kate-Ann was one of those girls who as a child went through a million and one phases.
The Disney princess phase, the animal crazy phase, the 'act cool the boys are around phase' and the 'GET OUT OF MY ROOM' phase.

Things hadn't changed much in 17 years, Kate-Ann was still a chameleon in a tropical rainforest.
The only thing that remained the same was her longing for adventure and an all consuming love, a dream she had held onto since her first encounter with 'The Little Mermaid'.

But Kate-Ann was stuck in a small town on the west coast of the dear United States, where the most remotely exciting thing to ever happen was the SunDance festival which took place every summer.
Where a group of long-haired, middle aged adults and their kids would become one with nature as they took in their nature preserving surrounding.

So when Kate-Ann's best friend, Rebecca, claimed that senior year was going to be the best one yet, a production worthy of the oscars and a plot as entertaining as the Titanic, Kate-Ann had a hard time believing it.

'We're too big for this town,
We should really get out.'
~Picture This

Authors Note:
This is a preview of a new story I'm writing.
I really hope you enjoy it and I'm trying my best to figure out the American schooling system so if I get it wrong my apologies.
Any question or ideas are welcomed with open arms xx

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