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What has happened to the world? That's usually the question which I ask myself every day of my life

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What has happened to the world? That's usually the question which I ask myself every day of my life. The world used to be a place of happiness, where people would get along over eating a cantaloupe.

But now, it's all gone to shit. These living entities all try to eat us since they long for the flesh of humans. Because of this shit, I've been to so many places. Places with leaders of tyranny, cannibalism and torture. I was so damn lucky to get out of those places alive.

But we lost so many on the way. I watched my father beheaded. I watched my sister getting shot through the head after we spent so long trying to find her. I watched my friend get his eye shot out. I watched as a sadist man bashed in the heads of my close friend and brother in law. I saw everything.

Somehow I'm still here and I don't understand how, or even why. Hell, I don't even understand why people still have this hope for me. All I feel is that this s a disgusting, demonic nightmare that I can't wake up from. I can't handle the fact that I've lost almost everyone who I have ever loved and yet, something keeps getting me through.


My twin brother, Carl is my salvation and he is the only one who I can rely on for absolutely anything. He's the only person that's been keeping me going all this time because we have both lost our mother. We will always have each other. We have a baby sister, named Judith. We both know she ain't our dad's but she is our sister.

Isn't it?

I also have my best friends: Enid, Sophia, Tara and Aaron. They keep me on the ground and keep me gravitated before I fly away into a pit of angst and sadism.

God, why do I feel like this is something that I can never escape from? It feels like I'm just spiralling down a pit of darkness. It's like I'm asleep in one of those nightmares that I can't wake up from.

I just want to wake up.

I just want to wake up.

I just want to wake up.

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