“You’ve taken off their arms,” Ridec pointed out needlessly.

“And teeth, the last thing I need is for my specimens to attack me.”

“A little help here!”  Kent yelled tumbling to the ground as the large zombie continued to battle against him.  The others seemed to sense that he was weakening and turned away from Jessell and headed towards Kent.

“Take these three inside and I’ll help Kent,” Jessell ordered putting the end of the vine in Ridec’s hand and not waiting for his response.

“I got this,” it was Linda racing past them a knife wielding as she hurried to her friend’s assistance.

“I can help,” Ridec said.

“Not this again Ridec,” Jessell grumbled as her dagger sliced the neck of one zombie which continued to walk towards her with its arms outstretched and its saw like teeth exposed.

“The back of the head!”  Linda screamed as she stabbed the knife she was holding through the front of another zombie’s neck and it penetrated to the other side, the creature dropped to the ground lifeless.

“I know that, but sometimes you have to take the hit you can get,” Jessell grunted gripping the zombie’s arm with her hand, flipping over its back and jabbing her dagger in the base of the skull before rolling onto the other side.  The zombie dropped to the ground with a thump.

“Some help!”  Kent yelled again still struggling with the zombie that was pressing down on top of him.  Kent’s arm was pressed against the creature’s throat trying to keep its gashing teeth away from his face.

“I got this!”  Jessell yelled flipping past Linda who was busy struggling with another zombie.

“Great,” Linda muttered as Jessell landed on the back of the large zombie and sank her dagger deep into the base of its skull.  It gasped for a moment and then fell limp against Kent.

Jessell jumped to her feet allowing Kent the opportunity to toss the monster off of him and scramble to his feet.


“No prob.”

“I think we better get inside before more of those things turn up, they’re never very far away,” Linda said wiping the blade against her pants as she disposed of the zombie she had been fighting with.

“And these are perfect samples,” Ridec said holding tightly to the end of the vine and nervously stepping out of the way of the zombies as they tried to attack him.

“They can’t hurt you, they have no teeth or hands,” Linda pointed out.

“Yeah but still…” Ridec muttered.  “Just feels…I don’t know.”

“Come on,” Jessell gripped the vine from Ridec’s hand.  “Let’s get inside, the sooner you can start working on these creatures the sooner you can get out of your head the idea of sticking around this hell hole much longer.”


“So how is it coming?”  Jessell questioned strolling into the lab at the top of the stairs her daggers spinning carelessly in her hand.

“Not too badly,” Ridec muttered glancing disparagingly at the three creatures that were tugging against the rope in an effort to get at him.  “I’ve taken some samples and I’m just starting to do some tests on them.”

“So we can dispose of this lot?”

“I guess.”

Ridec shrugged, it was unfortunate that he wouldn’t be able to cure these three that he had taken the samples from but with their arms and teeth missing they would probably die anyway.

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