"Blake you say that literally everytime."

"Well it's true everytime, and I'm just appreciative of what you do for us."

"Well thank you sweetie. Now eat." We ate without much talking and I still didn't eat much in the end.

Once we were done I helped Anna wash dishes. "I haven't figured out where Blake is taking you yet, but I promise I will find out before you leave for it." Anna whispered, making sure Blake wouldn't hear.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"I have ways. I know his weaknesses."

"Okay," I told her.

"Hey. Don't underestimate the power of a girl on a mission!" She threw bubbles up at me.

"I'm not! I never said I was!"

"You were thinking it though!" She threw more bubbles at me, all getting in my hair and on my face.

"I surrender!" I called through our laughter until she finally stopped.

"So what's this mission you're on Anna?" I turned and saw Blake in the doorway with a grin.

"None of your beeswax," Anna informed him.

"Mmmmk." He walked up to me and blew bubbles off my hair. "What's the mission she's talking about?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh so it's a secret now?"

"Yep a top secret for a top secret mission you don't get to know about," Anna said and I smiled at Blake.

Blake rolled his eyes, "I'll find out eventually." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked back out. Anna and I quickly finished the dishes and went to the living where Blake and Julie were.

"Hey do you guys want to play a game?" Julie asked.

"Is it okay if I just watch?" I asked.

"Yeah of course! I'll go grab one." She left and came back a minute later with Monopoly. She set it down on the coffee table and we sat on the floor around it. Julie was at one of the short ends, Anna on a long end, and Blake and I were opposite of Anna. They picked their pieces, Blake chose the shoe, "Okay Blake can go first. Then Anna, then me." Julie informed.

They had played one round that Blake won and were started their second one and I decided to lay down. I rested my head on Blakes thigh and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of them playing.

Blake's POV

Aiden fell asleep on my leg, I looked up at the time and saw that it was 7:45 so I let him be. When we were done with the second game, I had won again because I am the king of Monopoly, it was 8:30. The doctor said to wake him up every hour, so I have to do that soon. Anna and my mom picked up the game.

I looked down at Aiden and brushed the hair away from his eyes. "Hey Aiden. Aiden, baby, you need to wake up." I rubbed his arm and he slowly opened his eyes. Since the doctor said to ask questions, I asked him, "do you know what you name is?"

"Why would you ask me what my name is, if you were just calling it?"

"Because the doctor said I had to ask you simple questions to make sure there's no memory loss."

"I don't."

"Okay. Do you want to go upstairs to bed?" Aiden nodded and slowly stood up. And pushed myself off the floor and followed him upstairs. He grabbed one of my long sleeve shirts and went into the bathroom to change. When we came out the shirt hit him just above the knee, considering it was a little long and me, and the sleeves were definitely longer than his arms. He was still wearing the shorts he had put on after his shower.

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