chapter 14

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I was in my room preparing for later.

"Hey kiddo".

I looked up to see my dad with a smile plastered on his face.

"Your mom told me you were going on a date". Wait to go mom.

"Yea sorry I didn't tell you". He looked at me a little please with a mixture of sadness.

"Look pumpkin, your everything that a dad would want. You don't party, you don't drink or smoke , you don't have tattoos or navel piercing, only piercing on your ears which am totally ok with and you only wear clothes that cover up your body not because you have to wear them. I get the fact that you've never been on date before, but if this guy doesn't appreciate you,he's nothing but an ass".

"Thanks daddy . I love you".

"I love you too Berry".

" can we get in that hug" I looked up to see mom and Shania standing at my doorway .

"Oh what the hell".

They both came and now the four of us was sitting on my bed hugging. It was wired but nice.

"So mom, how much of that did you hear?"

"Enough" I chuckled softly.

"So how's the shop honey?" . Only my dad has been to my moms cafe since it opened and I kinda felt bad.

"Oh my god. Mom am so sorry. Its just that I've been busy with practice and stuffs but I promise you I'll be there tomorrow night".

"That's ok darling and don't you have a date to get ready for?".

Upon saying that, they left leaving me alone sitting on my bed. With no clue as to how to get ready.

After having a shower and all the other necessaries, I decide I'll go with a dress. And a simple platform.

Not knowing whether or not to pack something to go to the lake in, I texted Kataon.

Still on for the lake??

Dropping my phone down I went to my mirror. I didn't put any makeup up but my lip balm and put my hair up in a messy bun.

Hearing my phone ringing, I grabbed it and answer it seeing it was Kataon.

"Hello". Like really Thania hello.

"Hey beautiful change of plans, your coming to meet the family. My cousin Isabelle is coming over and were having a dinner and I told them I have a date but they insisted on you coming so, wear something casual but sexy and nice. Be there in 5"

He didn't even allowed me to answer he just hung up the phone.

A million thoughts went through my head. Oh my god. Am going to meet Kataon parents as his girlfriend and not my dads boss.

I searched my entire closet for something to wear until I finally did, it was the dress that I wore to my parents anniversary barbeque party.

Exactly 4 ½ minutes later, Kataon arrived at my door steps. He had a friendly conversation with Shania and my parents.

Upon leaving I saw Shania in a pair of pants and my boots that she took up an interest in with a plain crop top.

"Where are you going" I managed to say.

"Out " .That was all she said before leaving.

"Babe let's go we'll be late". I waved goodbye to my parents and left.

Thinking about what was supposed to come, we drove off into the dark of night.

"Hey babe don't worry, you'll be just fine. Isabelle will love you and so will my parents ".

I sighed after Kataon pushed the door open. We made our way to the kitchen where I saw a lady cooking.

"Ella. I'd like you to meet someone "

She stopped what she was doing and made her way over to us.

"Ella, this is Thania one of the twins I've been telling you about. This one here is my girlfriend and the other one Travis's girlfriend".

"Very nice to meet you Miss. I'm Mrs Stefanio but you can call me Ella".

After hearing Ella spoke I picked up an accent as if she was a mixture of races.

"Mexicans. tu hablas en espanol? "

"Si. Yo hablas en espanol?

" puequeno mas".


Kataon was looking at us as if he had seen a ghost.

"Not even bother to ask" I said laughing at him as attended back to what she was doing.

"Was going to" I chuckled

'Is that my beloved cousin". Turning my attention towards the voice, I saw a girl about our age, she had dark hair almost black but not quite there as yet.

"Oh hey belle, this is Thania, my girlfriend and girlfriend, this is my favorite cousin Isabelle "

"Hey nice to meet you" I greeted her.

"Nice to meet you too and please call me Belle" she hugged me and gave me a smile.

"This way" she gestured towards a room and Kataon took my hands and entwined our fingers leading me behind Belle.

We came up to this room with a buffet size table and a table set for 6.

Kataon parents already sat there awaiting our presence.


I looked up to see Kataon's little sister.

"No this is Thania. Her twin ".

"Oh. Kataon talks about you everyday"

I couldn't do anything but laugh. She was so cute.

I looked up at kataon who we busy talking to his mom.

"Hey there darling, nice to see you again". Miss Miller was wearing a red dress that lay well on the curves she had remaining.

We hugged each other and she gave me a seat beside her.

I greeted Mr Miller after taking my seat. Mr Miller sat beside Mrs Miller, Kataon's little sister in between her an Belle where Kataon and I sat across from them.

About a minute after talking about random topics, Elle came with dinner.

We sat there for about an hour eating and talking. Again.

An hour after, Kataon asked to excuse us so he could take me home.

The car ride was silent and boring and I wish he'd say something.

Finally arriving at my door step, he got out of the car and opened the door for me. He still didn't say anything so I decided to speak.

"Belle seems nice"

"she is"

He finally walked me to the door where he kissed me on the cheek and whispered .

"Dream about me baby doll"

With those words he drove off.

Leaving my mind saying nothing  than I will.


I know it's long and not what you expected but enjoy.

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