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Alex's POV

"I'll go and fix us something to drink!" Jeremy went off and left me alone with the three new guys. Josh and Mike looked hopeful at me and the guy will looked around like he wanted to be somewhere else. "So, you and Jeremy?" Josh tried to ask nonchalant. "No, but it's not like it's your business right?" I folded my arms and stared at them. 

"No but it's good to know. We wouldn't want to try to score another dudes girl" he winked at me. "You guys aren't going to score anything so take off!" I snapped at him. "I can take off my shirt if you want" is he serious? "No, you guys may be Ace's friends but leave me alone so we all can live a happy life!" Josh rolled his eyes to Mike who giggled. "Sweetheart, we have already accepted the challenge so we can't stop until it's done" Mike answered me.

 I spotted Julie and Anton arrived, "If you all want to have your heads attached to your bodies you stop this now!" I told them and walked to my friends. "What's up?" Julie asked me, she saw that I was furious. "Nothing just that Blondie, Goth and Tony Hawk have a competition of who could score a fuck from me" I took the drink from her hand and poured it down my throat. "What?" "Are you serious?" "Aren't they Ace's friends?" both of them threw questions at me and I just nodded to them all and took Anton's drink. 

"Have you guys seen Ace anywhere?" I finally asked them. "He's trying to flirt with Rose over there" Anton answered and pointed at my brother and Rose who stood next to the beer. "He's stepping up in levels then!" I laughed. "Yeah, no kidding! Rose have always had a crush on your brother but she is also that girl with an attitude that can match up with yours!" I nodded. I remembered her since kindergarten, we have always been good friends but since she started to hang out with the cheerleaders we drifted apart. 

Cheerleaders don't like me because I always take what I want and gets it. Some of them tried to be friends with me so they could get closer to Ace but they learned the hard way not to screw with me. But I missed Rose, she was always so simple to talk to about everything. I actually hoped that Ace maybe could take her out from the Zombie whores, aka Cheerleaders. 

"There you are! Here's your drink!" Jeremy came up behind with my beer. It was so good to see him again. The summer was long without him or Matt. "Thank you Jer!" I took a sip and smiled at him. "Come I have a surprise! Well not a surprise but it was your idea and I made it!" he took my hand and dragged me up to some trees. Anton and Julie laughed at us and waved me of. 

"What are you..." he pulled out a snare behind a tree. "You fixed a swing?" I screamed happily. "Yes so drink up, off with your clothes and jump out" he winked. I poured down the drink and stripped down to my bikini. Some of the guest was gathering around up on the top with us to watch. "Ladies first!" Jeremy handed me the swing. I saw Ace approaching with the biggest smile on his face. We loved these kind of things, anything to feel the adrenaline flow through our veins. I took a steady grip and threw myself out over the lake.

 When I let go of the snare I could feel my body fell down to the water. I felt free, I felt amazing. I hit the water and sank down to the bottom. When I came back up through the surface I could hear everybody cheered. I screamed out in happiness and watched Ace coming after me. He hit the water and came back up. "That was awesome!" he screamed and pull me down with his weight. "I know and I love that he put it up so high" Ace nodded and watched Mike not far behind us.

 The party went on and it was great. Ace and I did some family drinking and we both got wasted. I sat down on a clip and watched the sunset. I felt someone sit beside me but didn't say anything, Will. "If you think..." I tried, it was hard to talk. "No I just needed to be somewhere quiet. Your brother is starting some games over there" I followed his finger as he pointed out the rest of the party. It was not a beautiful sight. I nodded to him and looked out over the lake again.

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