Chapter 9~ Thinking Things Over On A Walk

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Kaneki You Idiot...


I couldn't sleep that night. It bugged me too much. More than I wanted it to.

Wait why should I care what that idiot does?! If he wants to date her he can. Not like I care. Heh! The sucker won't even know he's just another meal to her. How foolish of him.....

Yet aren't I foolish for wanting to save him...?

"Y/n" I heard my name. "Yes? What is it Touka?" I question, a bit puzzled. "I'll clean up here, the cafe is already closing and I know you like to take walks to....clear your head." Touka gave me a smile to reassure me that everything will be okay and I can go.

I gave another half solute and walked out the door, grabbing my sweater and scarf that Touka had given me. I walked outside, taking in the cool night breeze. It was so relaxing and I only just walked out.

I walked along the sidewalk and I can feel the soft, gentle breezy hit my face. I exhaled and small little fog had came out.

(Like how on cold days when you breathe from your mouth or exhale you can see the cool smoke foggy thingy idk what it's called ^~^)

Pulling my scarf up more, in case anyone saw me, I continued walking. I passed by a few shops that had been getting ready to close. I always wondered what human food had tasted like.

That's something Touka and I share. Our desire to know what it was like to be human, eat human food, and many more.

I passed by this one shop that had caught my interest. It was just a small store but still seemed to grab my attention. I walked up to it and it was still open, so I walked inside, the little bell ringing. I looked at the counter and there stood a boy with blonde hair.

He seems familiar...

I thought but shrugged it off. The boy smiled and waved. "Welcome! We hope you find everything you're looking for!" He bows. I gave a slight nod, not wanting to let him know the sound of my voice, half my face is under the scarf still.

I walked around the store. Nothing seemed to catch my needs or my eyes. But then I found a golden locket that had a heart carved into it. I picked it up and looked at the price tag. I was able to afford it luckily so I held onto it and continued to look around.

Then I found a small corner with books. I picked up a book called
"The Land Of Namben" i flipped through a couple of pages.

"That's a good book." Said a voice. I turned to see the same boy from the counter. I nodded. He gave me a confused look. "You look....Familiar" he said reaching for my scarf. Once I looked into those eyes I knew...

"Stay away" I wanted to say. But my mouth and voice wouldn't cooperate and talked on its own.

"It's you..." we both say.


I apologize for the short chapter, I just realized I haven't updated in a while so I just decided to make a quick one. I'm supposed to be asleep so I had to rush it. I'll update tomorrow.


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