Chapter 13~ Remember

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That dream I had
I don't remember much...
Who was that man...
Who was that little girl....
(Btw in the dream all the names were supposed to be blurred out. If that makes any sense)
He was a father. I knew that at least..
Why did I have that dream?
Why now?

"Uh are you there or not? Ive been waving my hand in your face for the past 10 minutes."

I shook my head erasing my thoughts. "What are you doing here?" I questioned. "Why were you spacing out so much?" He questioned back. "I asked you first." "I asked you second."

"That makes no sense." "Actually that makes perfect sense." He spat.

"I'm being serious Kaneki." I sighed.

"Well I wanted a coffee since this IS a place where I can get coffee. Right? I didn't come here to wake a sleeping girl from a nightmare." Kaneki went to his usual table and took a seat. "The usual?" I asked while walking over to make the item he would usually order but doubled it, along with a slice of cake. "Yup. Thank you very much."

I nodded and finished his order. Walking over to his table a ring was able to be heard from the bell above the door to signal another customer had entered the shop, well more like café to be exact. "Welcome to Anteiku." I said in a bored manner.

Not even taking a small glance at the person i already knew who it was. "Welcome back Hide. I see you must've came for Kaneki?" I set down the two orders down on the table. Thank goodness I doubled the order. That would've been embarrassing.

"Actually I came to talk to you." He turned to face me as he had already took a seat down on his chair. "I see. What is it you needed to talk to be about?" I walked over to the counter and sat on top of it.

"I was wondering if you knew anything about The Snowflake?"







I Won't Abandon You (Kaneki  x Reader) (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt