He is completely taken of guard.

"In that moment, it felt like everything that was wrong, will eventually be alright" I have a warm feeling in my chest as I continue.

"When you came to take her away from me, you had the saddest eyes, you know?" I look at him pointedly.

He nods.

"You were taking her away from me, Dad. I had held her for merely 15 minutes and when you took her away from me, it felt like I couldn't breathe..."

"I know 15 minutes was not a lot of time, Lys" Dad said apologetically. "I am sorry"

"Don't be, Dad" I gave him a sad smile. "I don't think any amount of time would have been enough for me. Even infinity sounds too less" I chuckle humorlessly. Before he can say anything, I continue defining my edition of 'what love is' to him.

"But then you came back... and took me back to the lake to tell me why I couldn't be near her... how me being close to her would only end up messing with her life... and all I felt was dread. How could that be?! How could my ill fate have an effect on hers too?!" Just remembering about what Dad had told me makes me want to let Asher out.

"I felt like killing myself Dad" Dad takes a sharp breath but I continue.

"How could I live when my existence was hurting her?" A tear falls out of my eyes.

"Your Ma misses you Ulysses" Dad tells me after some time.

"I know. She talks to me via the pack link all the time" I sigh, missing my mother and then frown, "She can fly down to meet me anytime she likes"

"You know she is not at a liberty to do that. She has the whole Pack to look after" Just like he does. But he still makes some time out to come see me. I know why she doesn't comes.
She won't be able to leave without me if she did.

"Maybe you should come back home?" He says ever so softly. I had left Little West two years ago when I was six, so that I could stay as far away from my Mate as possible. I now lived in Peru, with the Elders' pack.

"And risk hurting her?!" I snap standing up and glaring at my Dad. How could he even suggest such a thing?!

"She's only three, Ulysses. The curse will start its work once she gets her wolf. You still have two years... and maybe you could..." I cut him off.

"I don't trust myself, Dad" I was just eight years old, and here I was already scared of hurting my Mate.

"You are missing out on her childhood" Dad points out.

I don't tell him that I always sneak in Hayden's or Aunt Bella's mind and stare at my mate to see what she is up to.

It requires intense training and concentration. I don't know how I am able to do it, considering that most of the Elders find it difficult too.

"Dad..." I sigh as my mind drifts back to what happened two years ago.


I had been missing her too much so without informing Dad, I had sneaked into her nursery. There she was, sleeping peacefully as I had stared down at her, my hand twitching to reach out to her.

When I had finally given in and touched her cheek she had woken up and there they were... those amber eyes, peering at me curiously.

She didn't recognize me, because little ones only recognized those who hung out around them, amd her room was restricted to me.

But still, she started reaching out to me, her hands flying upwards to mine. They fisted on my finger so tightly that I felt she would never let me go and my Mate started babbling.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Where stories live. Discover now