the Truth

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Alright. Some of you will hate me after this, but what you know about mermaids might be false. So if you hold your beliefs tighter than your car keys, then feel free to get out. Let me tell what's real and what's not-
1. Scales
2. The gorgeous hair ( more on that later)
3. Living in the water
4. Beauty
1. Talking to sea creatures
2. Singing (more on that later)
3. Luring sailors to their death
4. Powers (you might already hate me, so leave if you do)

That's the basics. I'm getting this from a YouTuber called Fairy Truths. She proves everything she says, she has no idea how to Photoshop, so it's all true. ( Plz watch and subscribe to her) I might update too much, but it's my problem now. I might do a bit on fairies. I know it's a book on mermaids, bit since they're both part human, I guess they are both squeezed in the human category.

As for the hair part, the saltwater may tangle it quite a bit, but the water running through it may help keep it clean. Singing may be different, though. You have no one to sing to when your in the ocean, so what's the point?

So if you hate or dislike me, don't comment, don't follow. It'll hurt enough with the fact I've been rejected more than 3 times, so no butts no complaints, no nonsense.

See u guys later! I luv u guys already! Stay cool. Here's a cookie and a smile! 🍪&😊

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