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The remainder of the weekend had passed quicker than I had liked. It was Monday, that meant it was back to school. I could tell that today was not going to be a good day. Why? Well, first of all the minute I woke up I was met with the problem of parents day only being six days away. Secondly, my hair looked like crap. Thirdly, I poked myself in the eye with my mascara wand. Today was definitely not going to be a good day.

"Hey Lily." Cal said as I sat down at the table with my two pieces of toast and scrambled eggs.

"Eh." I grunted in return.

"Looks like someone has a case of the Monday's!" John threw in.

He had no idea how right he was. Monday is the worst day of the week. I think God created Monday just to piss people off, he did a hell of a job if that was his intention. I picked at my eggs and only ate one piece of toast, before the bell rang to go to first period. I lazily followed the guys to my first class praying for this day to end.

Why when you pray for something to end quickly it seems to drag on forever? To start off I had a pop quiz in Pre-Cal, which I barely passed. Then I was forced to continue to participate in a horrible sport I call basketball, followed by a sleep-induced lecture in history. Yeah today pretty much sucked.

I said my good byes to the guys as they hurried off towards their training. I entered my dorm room and promptly collapsed onto my bed. My eyes closed, as I lay sprawled across the surface of the bed. I quickly drifted off into sleep and into my hellish nightmare.

I stared out at the empty street in front of me. I could barley make out an approaching figure in the heavy fog. As the object drew closer I could make out the shape of a car and see the thin beams of light emitted from the headlights. I glanced in the other direction and saw another car approaching much faster than the previous one.

It increased in speed with every passing second. My eyes fell onto the other vehicle, which was now gliding past me in a state that seemed to be slow motion. The other car was there in a matter of seconds.

The harsh sound of crunching metal filled my ears and shards of broken, jagged, glass flew in every direction. The remains of the two cars sat lifeless on the quiet street. I walked over to the car that had been hit. I stooped down to look through the broken window; these people were probably hurt and needed help.

A woman with dirty blonde hair matted with blood was sitting in the passenger seat, next to a man with dark brown hair. Blood was dripping down his face from a deep gash in his head. Their lifeless fingers enter twined in one last loving embrace. My parents.

I sat up quickly the images disappearing from behind my eyelids, but forever imprinted in my memory. I touched my face and found tears. I glanced at the clock and saw that the guys would be back soon. I quickly wiped away all evidence of my tears away and got up.

Not wanting to be here when they returned I hurried out the door and made my way outside. In the distance I could see groups of guys walking towards their dorms. I took off at a brisk pace to the library. I needed to be somewhere quiet, and that was about the only place around here that guaranteed it.

I pushed open the heavy glass doors and was greeted with blissful silence. There were a few younger boys sitting together at one table studying; they didn't bother to look up when the door closed. I made my way over into a deserted corner and flopped down into a large, black, leather, armchair. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the back of the chair lost in thought.


I opened my eyes to find a boy with light brown hair and caramel colored eyes staring down at me. Quinton.

Salute! I am a Girl!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang