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Rain is a terrible awful thing. It was raining as I saw out the window when I had gotten up to get ready for school. Rain somehow seemed to fit my mood today. I still felt guilty for snapping at Will and it didn't help that he was the first one up after me this morning. It also didn't help that he looked adorably sexy with his bed head and sleepy eyes. Damn hormones. I was dressed and ready to leave before Ian had even gotten up. Oliver and Will were still lazily walking around trying to find were they had thrown their clothes the day before.

I slipped out of the room without being noticed, or so I hoped. I didn't want to face Will. What if he asked me the question again? I couldn't avoid him forever but right now I definitely could. I pulled on my gray jacket that I had grabbed on my way out and put my hood up as I stepped out into the rain.

I quickly made my way across the campus and into the cafeteria. Pulling my hood off of my head I ran my fingers through my hair. Looking around I noticed that the cafeteria was empty except for a few boys here and there with books open trying to finish homework they had forgotten to do. I walked to the nonexistent line and grabbed a bagel and some orange juice. I wasn't hungry; rain had that effect on me. Although I would kill for some chocolate right about now.

I sat down at my empty table, which was usually filled with noisy, rowdy boys. I ate my bagel alone and rested my head on my hand as I looked around the cafeteria. I caught sight of a figure heading for my table. It was Liam.

"Good morning." He said sitting down in the chair next to me. That was where Will usually sat.

"Morning." I replied halfheartedly.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked concerned.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. I just don't like the rain, it brings me down."

"It can't be that bad."

"Trust me it can."

"Well life's not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." He quoted.

A smile spread across my lips as I sat up.

"Mr. Poetic aren't we?" I replied.

"Ah my dear, you have no idea."


He gave me a smug smile. "I was surprised to actually see you alone. You always seemed to be surrounded by your new bodyguards."

"Yeah. I guess I am."

"I've been meaning to talk to you alone." He said becoming serious.

"Really? What about?"

"I wanted to tell you something."


"Not here or now. It seems that your bodyguards have found you." He said motioning towards the group of seven guys approaching.

"Great." I mumbled.

"Meet me in the library at seven tonight." He whispered before standing and walking away as the group arrived at the table.

No sooner then his butt had left the seat; Will replaced him. He had that look in his eye as he glared at Liam's retreating figure.

"Oh get over it will you." I spat at him. Great add that to my guilt list.

"Why did you leave this morning?" He asked turning to face me.

"I was really hungry." I lied.

"Oh." He looked a little upset that I hadn't waited for him. God this boy was good at the guilt trip.

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