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"Do you really have to?" I asked, face-palming at Aspen.

"What do you expect? People might recognize me and fall on their faces flat saying 'Your majesty'. And then what? She'll know I lied to her about my true identity." He said as he was putting his mask on. It covered every part on his face except for his eyes.

He really looked like a criminal, but he kept on insisting that it was badly needed. Well, he's the king. So be it. I'm just saying he looks crazy.

"This Isabelle, are you really that close?" I asked him out of curiosity.

You can't blame me. He had no interest in girls ever since we were kids. Whenever he would interact with them, it would always be because of royal matters. Then suddenly, out of nowhere came this girl that he was immediately so attached to?

I seriously have to know.

"What's it to you?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Just asking. I thought you'd never be with a girl. You can't even stand being with one before. Now, look at you, all grown up." I said, wiping imaginary tears off my face.

"Speak for yourself, as if you're a prodigy in this." He smirked, "As far as I know, you've never been with any girl because of a certain red haired-"

"That is just as far as you know," I glared.

"And that's all there is to it."

"Tsk," I mumbled.

Growing up with him has a lot of disadvantages. One of the worst was he could bully you all the time. So what if I don't have any experience when it comes to courtship, chivalry, being a gentleman or a romantic, and stuff? I'm not that kind of guy.

Mischief is my first love and that won't change.

I don't need to have any girl to make my life complete. Just hand me my tools and a victim, then I'm in heaven.


Here I am now, trying to solve a mystery for a girl, for a promise I made to her.

As always, Aspen's right.

Suddenly, I become something I'm not when I'm with Scarlett. I suddenly take interest in how to make girls happy, I also try to learn to be that romantic guy, a lot of stuff which used to disgust me.

I guess this was just some sort of aftermath due to the past crush I used to have on her. Yes, I did have a crush on her, far more worse than that. And Aspen keeps parading it like an official decree. She and I were really really really so close back then. Too close.

As for him, he never had any flings as far as I know. Maybe it's because of our fathers. Both uncle Jethro and my dad hold this belief of one true love, marrying for love and stuff. And we, being obedient sons, applied that to our life, and now we're infected.

But, truth is, it's not really because of that that we can't seem to like any damsels.

Damsels bring us distress. Take my position for example.

Somehow, we grew to find girls annoying. Big dresses, hair as high as towers, clown-like faces. It's sickens men of our kind.

But something's different about these girls. They don't sicken us one bit. Threatened, yes, most of the time on my side. Yet, the point is, instead of sickening us and staying away from them, we can't stand to be apart from them.

What the hell is wrong with us?!

"Is Isabelle already outside?" He asked.

I peeked out the window and saw her fixing her lady investigator uniform.

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