"It's going to be okay, there-there" Taehyung pulled me outside of the room and hugged me firmly as I still wanted to get into the room. Then I lose hope and went limp. I cried on Taehyung's shoulder and I slowly lifted my hands and hugged him back. "It's okay.." Taehyung continued comforting me while rubbing my back with his hand.

After what happened, I sat quietly on the seat in front of the room. My father has been brought to who knows where after I gave them the permission to run an autopsy for him. Why does everything have to happen this way? As for Taehyung, he got to go the last minute because something came up concerning his family. I'm all alone now and I just sat there dumbfounded with no one around. Only me.

Suddenly, I had been greeted by a familiar voice, "Hey" It was a male voice so I looked up, It was Jimin. He looked sad. Behind him were a pair of the old couple that looked like to be his parents. Dried tears were visible on my face so I must've looked really ugly. Then the old woman approached me and sat by me and Jimin sat by my other side and was facing me. I wryly smiled at him to show some respect and looked down.

"I'm sorry for your loss" The woman spoke up while bringing me into her embrace. Then I cried again because you can't stop tears from falling down when you had just lost someone. So I cried in her embrace.

After a few minutes of me crying, the woman brought my face to look at her and said, "Now what a strong girl you are. Now I have something to do on your father's behalf"

Then I lifted my head and looked at her with more attention. "Your father was like our miracle. Your father saved our son's life, which is Jimin here". She gestured for Jimin and I looked at him" I do know that before my father took care of me, he was a really famous doctor. "So we are aware of what happened to your house and now you have no place to stay so, you could stay with us, with Jimin. You already know him so It'll be easier" The woman gave me a calming smile like how a mother gave to her only daughter.

"B-But-" I was about to put down the offer but I was cut off the old man.

"Your father helped our son when he's in the bridge of his death and now our dear son, Jimin is still with us. I and your father were close since we were young So please let us make it up to you. My wife here is not working so she can take care of you while waiting for your house to be fixed" The man tried to persuade me.

"You know, I've always wanted to have a daughter and maybe this is my only chance.." The old man looked really hopeful. But they were right. I have no place to stay so I shouldn't let the offer down. But at the same time, I don't want to give them a hard time.

"Are you.. sure?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes!" Suddenly the woman's face light up in amusement. 

"I'm sure your father would love this, besides, my father has taken a big liking on you" The old man smiled at me to reassure me.

"Just accept already, you don't have to be all dramatic," said Jimin with sarcasm in his tone. I quickly looked at him and narrowed my eyes at him in anger. I looked back at the woman and we smiled at each other as if we are thinking the same time to get back at Jimin. 

I hit him on the shoulder and the woman said to Jimin, "No dinner for you" We got up and walked away from Jimin and we had a good laugh together.

"Aw! Come on! Seriously??" Jimin pouted and we left him looking unsatisfied, "You to mom?? Seriously? I'm your son for god sake" 

"Not anymore~" The woman replied back and I laughed at Jimin, followed by the old woman and man.

Wow, I can't believe there's still someone there to help me. Then I saw the figures of the victims smiled at me and I smiled back at them. I guess this is what my father wanted if I feel this way.

New Family, New Me.

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A/N: Heyya!!!! More update for today ayy xD So here's a new happy ending for you guys! So, what will happen to Soeun? What will happen when she's living with Jimin in one roof? Will it affect her relationship with Taehyung? Read more to find out so stay tuned to the next upcoming chapters!

Don't forget to vote if you love it! Comment your opinions because I would love to hear them! And add this book to your reading list if you haven't! Do any of this and I'll dedicate you a chapter like everyone else!

Dedications ;




EDITED 25/3/2019

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